07 , i want to hit zoë

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The least the Oracle could've done was walk back to the attic by herself.

Instead, Percy and I were elected to carry her. I didn't figure that was because we were the most popular.

"Watch her head!" Percy warned as we went up the stairs. But I was too distracted "god i hate prophecies."

Bonk! I whacked her mummified face against the trapdoor frame and dust flew.

"Ah, man." I heard Percy grumble "let's set her down and checked for damage."

We set her at the top of the stairs. "Did I break anything?"

"I can't tell." Percy admitted.

I rolled my eyes and we picked her back up. "I mean like what's the point of them, they're always so vague. And—also—Why is the god always in the fucking west?!"

Wack! Her head hit the wall.



We hauled her up and set her on her tripod stool, both of us huffing and sweating. Who knew a mummy could weigh so much?

"Why did we even have to do this, Thalia started it" Percy went to say something but I spoke again "she.hit.you.first"

He bit his cheek and turned back to the oracle.

I assumed she wouldn't talk to us, and I was right. I was relieved when we finally got out of there and slammed the attic door shut.

"Well," I said, "that was gross."

I was kinda trying to keep things light for Percy's sake. but I still felt really bad. The whole camp would be mad at him for losing the game to the Hunters, even though it wasn't his fault. Then there was the oracle she didn't say anything on how to help Annabeth and I knew that was making him anxious.

"What will Chiron do?" Percy asked me.

"I wish I knew." I mumbled bitting my lower lip. "I want to be out there."

"Searching for Annabeth?"

"Of course." I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned to him "you care about her, so I care about her"

"Why?" He asked.

I sighed. "Because You're my brother Percy, and I know how you feel about her"

Before I could walk away he grabbed my arm "wha—what do you mean 'how I feel about her'" he tried—and failed—to mimic my voice.

I stared at him for a second, wondering if he was joking—he wasn't(boys...) "i just mean that she's like your best friend, that's all"

Percy rolled his eyes "you're my best friend"

"I don't count I'm your sister"

"Hey, I don't have to like you"

I shrugged "true"

Before he could respond, Thalia tromped up the stairs. She was officially not talking to Percy now, but she looked at me and said, "Tell Percy to get his butt downstairs."

"Why?" Percy asked at the same time I said "tell him yourself"

"Did he say something?" Thalia asked me.

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