If Honesty Means Telling You The Truth

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(Louis' POV) 

"God there is something SO FUCKING seriously WRONG with these idiots!" Niall swore. 

"Woah there Mr. Church Boy! Don't drag the little men into it!" I said with a barely concealed smile. 

Niall the Church Boy groaned in frustration and threw the console on the bed as I finished destroying him in our 7th match of FIFA. "How the fuck are you so good at this? When was the last time you even played football in real life? Have you been taking FIFA classes because I want to enroll."

I placed the consoles back in their respective places (woah, I just organized something! Well done Louis William Tomlinson!) and plopped down on the bed to poke Niall in the side. "I didn't get better, you got rusty. Missed your bro so much you didn't play FIFA with anyone else?"

Niall continued muttering a string of curses while I was close to getting six pack abs from laughing. 

I was hanging out with Niall after 2 freaking years and I had never been happier. I wish we never would have been apart but Niall was Harry's closest mate and me leaving Harry obviously caused a rift. But still, it was like I'd never left. Niall hadn't changed in the slightest either, he was the exact same Irish leprechaun as he was on the day when Harry introduced me to him back in 6th grade. Bottom line, I loved this guy with every bone in my body.

I eventually, probably thanks to some cosmic intervention, stopped laughing, which was good because just then Liam called Niall. 

"Hey Li!" Niall greeted and then put the phone on speaker because he had grabbed a chocolate to drown his sorrow of losing and did not prioritise a private conversation with his friend over eating it in peace. Did I mention I loved him? 

"Hey Niall! Where are you at the- are you eating while talking to me?" 


"Oh my dear Lord." Liam sighed in exasperation while Niall grinned triumphantly. "Anyways, I'm going to guess you're at the dorm. Can you go pick Harry up from his date with Luke?"

Niall swallowed his chocolate bar faster than you could say "heimlich" and then proceeded to choke on it for a good minute before finally saying, "Why do I need to pick him up? What happened to Luke?"

"Is Harry okay?" I interjected, because who cared about the other idiot? What if their date went badly and Harry was hurt? I wouldn't mind this Lukey Boy out of his life, but I would never want to see Harry being hurt. Did I need a knife and a shovel?

"Are you with someone Ni?" Liam asked from the other end. 

"Yeah, I called Louis over since you and Harry were out. We were playing FIFA."

"Oh, okay. Will you take him with you?" Disapproval rang clear and true in every syllable Liam spoke. Liam wasn't particularly fond of me, if my disorganized, messy and loud manner hadn't pissed him off enough, my history with Harry definitely pushed him over the edge of the Let's Hate Louis Tomlinson Cliff. While Harry and Niall had taken their fair share of time trying to bring him around, it hadn't worked very well. Mostly because I requested them to not share exactly why I had sour history, Liam was still a stranger and I wasn't going to trust just anyone with my life story. 

I'm going off track here, coming back. 

"That I'll decide later, tell me what happened first." Niall said with an edge to his voice. 

"I'm not sure. Harry rang me and said that he needed me to come pick him up. Maybe the date went south? Or he just wants to get away. You know how he can get overwhelmed. I would go myself but I'm a bit tied up at the moment. He's at the library by the way. Get there as soon as you can, he sounded pretty distressed over the phone." Liam replied. 

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