Part 11:

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The healer was Checking Yibo who was lying on his bed...unconscious.

King , Queen , Wei ying and Ziyi were standing at a distance from the bed.

The healer said after checking yibo , "Crown prince is OK. He took much stress due to which this happened".

Hearing the present people became relieved.

Healer , "We should let crown prince rest for a while".

The others agreed. Then they all left from there .

Ziyi , who was walking while holding Wei ying's hand , asked , "Mama! Is daddy Wang gonna be alright?"

Wei ying said , "Your daddy Wang is fine. He's just resting for now".

Ziyi nodded in understanding. King , Queen , Ziyi and Wei ying went back to the marriage hall.


The king apologized to the guests for the inconvenience. The king ordered the servants to serve the food and wine. The servants bowed and then started serving the food and wine.

Wei ying was tensed for Yibo. Ziyi was observing her mother.

Ziyi said while holding Wei ying's hand with her tiny hands , "Mama! Daddy Wang is gonna be alright. Don't be sad OK?"

Wei ying glanced at Ziyi and then gave a small smile. He nodded while hugging Ziyi.


Time skip :

Wedding was over. The guests were leaving after meeting with the king and Queen.

After bidding farewell to the guests , the king and Queen went to their room to rest . While the servants started cleaning the mess.

Wei ying met with his mom and sister. Wei ying told them to stay but they refused . Ziyi was getting sad seeing her aunt and grandma leaving .

Xiao Que said while holding Wei ying's hands , "Zhan ! My son ! Take care of yourself . I'll come to meet you again , OK?"

Wei ying nodded. He hugged his mom. Xiao Que then hugged Ziyi and kissed on her forehead.

Xiao Que and Xiao Yu then left from there. Wei ying then went away from there along with Ziyi towards Yibo's room.


Wei Ying came to Yibo's room. Well...Actually their room.

Wei ying frowned as He didn't saw Yibo on the bed. He started looking here and there for yibo. Ziyi was also searching for Yibo in the huge room calling "Daddy Wang".

Wei ying got tensed after not finding Yibo In the room.

Wei ying got shocked as be heard Yibo shouting in pain.

Wei ying hurriedly went towards the balcony. He shouted Yibo's name after seeing Yibo lying on the ground with blood oozing from his head. A guard was with Yibo.

Few clothes , which were Knotted together , were hanging from the railing means Yibo tied these and tried to get down but fell. A guard was wrapping a cloth piece around Yibo's head to stop the bleeding to some extent.

Few servants came near yibo and picked him up to take him to the healers room. Wei ying ran out of the room . Ziyi followed Wei ying. She got scared seeing her father hurt.

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