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Army; Day-13          Date: 27/01/20__

Memoirs of me,

Now everything seems to be normal for me, this  uniform, this cantonment, this academy, these barracks, these people, this training, these morning calls, these evening calls, these midnight calls, but there's something I'm not getting used to and that is Kian Mehra. There's something special about him. Cadets, his colleagues, his juniors, everyone is just too quick around him. His stare kills everyone's vibe but not mine. I still like him because I know, behind that cold mask, he's hiding his true feelings. He wants power, so he's pretending to be ruthless.

           His cold behaviour towards me is intensifying and my feelings for him is mounting at the same speed. I was late yesterday on the field by twelve seconds, and I was sent for night duty. I didn't sleep for two days straight. I was dozing off during lectures and his gaze on me was so fixed that it was hard for me to even blink. They didn't allow me to sleep in the morning too and I was called for training for about eight hours. I still feel sleepy. And guess what, my roommates said that he didn't castigate others after me. Isn't he being too cruel towards me? What did I even do to him? Answer lies in his mind, so I'm going to be searching for it.

          One more thing, when I was returning to soldier quarters, I crashed into him. My face hit his hard back and my sleep vanished for whole night. When he turned and his black eyes gave me a cold glare, my heart couldn't control it's rhythm. I did apologize to him, but that rude jerk didn't even pay attention. So, counting this too, I didn't sleep for three nights.



I don't know how I'll get used to this place again. It's tiring when people keep turning their heads at me and I hear them talk about me and my mother.

I don't know what has changed more, me or these corridors, me or the people here, me or my feelings, me or Kian.

I'm walking in these corridors on my way to Colonel Rawat's cabin. People are saluting me and I'm nodding in response. Same people are talking behind my back and I'm ignoring in response. Life has become bitter in this cantonment. But, I've started liking bitter.

My feet stop opposite to his cabin. My knuckles knock on his door.

"May I come in Sir?" I ask for his permission.

"Yes," his low pitched reply comes through the door.

I twist the door knob and his desk comes in view. I step in to look for his figure but he's not seated in his rolling chair. I take two more steps and angle my head in his direction. He's lounging on couch with his right leg over his left. His hands holding few files and his eyes that hold glasses scanning them. His face nudges of Mr. Rawat, his eyes that are same almond shaped but dark brown instead of light brown and his mostly grey hair reminding me that I've seen him after eight years.

My figure catches his gaze and his lips curve into a wide smile, the same smile I've been receiving since ages. The most soft hearted man I've met, is him. Mr. Rawat's younger brother, Colonel Alok Rawat.

His eyes and hand gestures me to have a seat, but it's inappropriate when I'm on duty, so I stand stiff.

"Jai Hind sir!" I smash my right foot on floor and salute him.

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