Chapter 24 - Rising From The Depths

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The frigid waters enveloped me, swallowing me whole as I plunged into the depths below. Panic threatened to overtake me as I fought against the currents, my arms flailing in desperation. But amidst the chaos, a single thought burned bright within me—Owen.

With a surge of determination, I pushed through the darkness, my fingers brushing against the cold, slick surface of the truck. Owen's form appeared before me, his body limp and motionless as he drifted in the murky waters.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I reached out, grasping hold of him with all the strength I could muster. With each stroke, I propelled us towards the surface, the weight of Owen's body dragging us down like an anchor.

Finally, we broke through the surface, gasping for air as we emerged into the cool night air. I clung to Owen's unconscious form, pulling him towards the shore with every ounce of strength I had left.

As we reached the riverbank, I collapsed onto the muddy ground, exhaustion washing over me like a tidal wave. But there was no time to rest—not when Owen's life hung in the balance.

With trembling hands, I checked his pulse, relief flooding through me as I felt the steady beat beneath my fingertips. He was alive, but barely.

Gathering my strength, I hoisted Owen onto my shoulders, his weight heavy against me as I began the long journey towards safety. With each step, the road ahead seemed to stretch on endlessly, but I refused to falter—not when Owen's life depended on it.

As dawn broke on the horizon, casting a soft golden light over the landscape, I pressed on, driven by a sense of purpose that burned bright within me. The road to Jackson stretched out before us, a beacon of hope in the darkness—a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there was always a path forward.

With Owen in my arms and the promise of a new day ahead, I set out once more, determined to rise from the depths and continue our journey towards a brighter future.

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