Chapter 23 - Waters Of Fate

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As Owen took the wheel, his hands steady and focused, I settled into the passenger seat, the weight of his words echoing in my mind. "Keep your immunity hidden until you're absolutely certain you've found another immune," he advised, his tone serious and measured. It was a risk we couldn't afford to take, not in a world where trust was a scarce commodity.

The truck rumbled along the winding road, the landscape passing by in a blur of colours. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me, the weight of our secret pressing down upon my shoulders like a burden too heavy to bear.

Suddenly, the truck lurched to the side, its tires skidding on the wet pavement. My heart leapt into my throat as Owen fought to regain control, his knuckles white against the steering wheel. But it was too late.

With a sickening crunch, the truck careened off the edge of the bridge, hurtling towards the churning waters below. Time seemed to slow as we plummeted towards the river, the sound of rushing water filling my ears like a deafening roar.

In that moment, everything seemed to crystallise—the fear, the uncertainty, the overwhelming sense of loss. But amidst the chaos, there was also a glimmer of hope—a flicker of determination that burned bright within me.

As the truck hit the water with a tremendous splash, I was jolted from my thoughts, the icy embrace of the river enveloping us in darkness. I fought against the current, struggling to find my bearings amidst the swirling waters.

With a desperate gasp, I broke the surface, my lungs burning with exertion. Owen was nowhere to be seen, lost in the murky depths below. Panic threatened to consume me, but I pushed it aside, focusing on one thing and one thing only—finding Owen and getting us to safety.

As I dove beneath the surface once more, the world around me faded into a blur of shadows and light.

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