Chapter 15 - The Trap Unveiled

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As I cautiously navigated the deserted streets of Cheyenne, my senses on high alert, a sudden movement caught my eye—a flicker of movement in the shadows, too deliberate to be mere chance. Instinct screamed at me to flee, but before I could react, I found myself surrounded by a group of WFG soldiers, their weapons trained on me with deadly precision.

Heart pounding in my chest, I realized too late that I had walked straight into a trap. Their leader, a formidable figure with a steely gaze, stepped forward, his expression unreadable.

"You thought you could outsmart us, girl?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You and your kind are nothing but trouble."

My mind raced as I weighed my options, but with no escape in sight, I knew that fighting back would only lead to disaster. With a resigned sigh, I raised my hands in surrender, knowing that my fate now rested in the hands of the WFG.

They wasted no time in binding my hands and leading me away, their grip unyielding as they dragged me through the streets of Cheyenne. With every step, I cursed myself for falling into their trap, but I refused to give up—not when Owen's life hung in the balance.

As they ushered me into a dimly lit building, I braced myself for the worst, but to my surprise, their intentions seemed more complex than simple violence. They interrogated me relentlessly, demanding to know my purpose in Cheyenne and the whereabouts of any other survivors.

Though I remained steadfast in my silence, the WFG's grip on me only tightened, their methods growing increasingly brutal with each passing moment. But even as I endured their torment, a flicker of defiance burned bright within me, fueling my resolve to escape and continue my mission.

With each passing hour, I plotted my escape, waiting for the perfect moment to make my move. And when that moment finally came, I seized it with everything I had, breaking free from my captors' grasp and fleeing into the night, determined to continue my journey and save Owen, no matter the cost.

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