Chapter 25 - In The Shadow Of Jackson

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As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting its warm embrace over the landscape, a sense of relief washed over me. We were close—close to safety, close to sanctuary. But as we trudged along the road towards Jackson, our journey was far from over.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence, and I turned to see a patrol of Jackson guards emerging from the trees ahead. Their weapons were drawn, their expressions wary as they approached us.

"Halt!" one of them called out, his voice firm and commanding. "State your business here."

I glanced at Owen, a silent exchange passing between us. We had come too far to turn back now, too determined to let anything stand in our way.

"We're survivors," I replied, my voice steady despite the uncertainty that gnawed at my insides. "We're just trying to find a safe place to rest."

The guards exchanged wary glances, their expressions guarded as they assessed us. In a world where trust was a rare commodity, they had every reason to be cautious.

"What's your story?" another guard asked, his tone sceptical. "Why should we believe you?"

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But as I met the guard's gaze, I saw something there—a flicker of understanding, a glimmer of empathy.

"We've been through hell and back," I said, my voice tinged with emotion. "We've lost everything—our home, our friends, our families. All we want is a chance to start over, to find a place where we can rebuild our lives."

The guards studied us for a moment longer, their expressions softening slightly. And then, without a word, they lowered their weapons, gesturing for us to follow them.

"Come with us," the first guard said, his voice tinged with kindness. "We'll take you to Jackson. You'll be safe there."

As we fell into step behind the guards, a sense of relief washed over me. We had made it—we had finally found sanctuary. And as we approached the towering walls of Jackson, I knew that our journey was far from over. But with Owen by my side and the promise of a new beginning ahead, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, we could overcome anything.

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