Chapter 5 - annoucning Sanemi's pov

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It was the next day and Sanemi was ready. He helped Giyuu get out of the house and they walked to the masters estate.

All the hashira were gathered and Master was sitting patiently. Everyone except for Shinobu stared in shock when they saw Giyuu walking towards them.

Well he wasn't exactly walking more like staggering but I digress. Sanemi and Giyuu finally made it to the front to announce the news.

Sanemi could see that Giyuu was sweating and squeezed his hand reassuringly. Sanemi took a deep breath and started to speak.

"As you all know Giyuu has a disease, a disease that feeds off unrequited love. Well he finally told us who the bastard he loves is." Everyone stood in silence for a little.

"Well who is it?" Uzui asked. Sanemi inhaled deeply. "It's me." Those words hung in the air as everyone gasped and took a moment to process.

"EHHHH?!!?" Mitsuri squealed. "What?" Obanai said in disbelief. Everyone was talking at the same time until Master spoke up.

"Is there more to say Sanemi?" "Yes, master. I would like to say that I am going to try and fall in love with Giyuu."

Everyone was silent for a moment, then it broke out into chaos. "WHAT?" Obanai yelled.

There was a ton of commotion as the Hashira tried to unpack what they just heard. Sanemi felt Giyuu's hand slip out of his and fall down.

Sanemi looked down to see Giyuu coughing and immediately handed him a handkerchief. When Sanemi looked back up the uproar had stopped and everyone was staring at Giyuu in concern.

Sanemi sighed and snapped a little. "Can you not stare! Staring is very rude!" Everyone went back to looking at Sanemi.

"So you're saying that you will try and fall in love with Giyuu?" Uzui said. "Yea pretty much." Sanemi replied. "But isnt that gross for you?" Obanai retorted. "I think its great!" Rengoku shouted.

"Thank you Rengoku, also it's not gross Iguro. It may be different but it's not gross. People can't control attraction." "Thats funny aren't you trying to force yourself to fall for Tomioka." You couldnt see it but you could hear the smile in Obanai's voice.

"Well maybe you're just homophobic." "I'm not homophobic but I mean, really? Falling in love with Giyuu? You may as well assassinate him now." That caused another coughing fit from Giyuu.

"Stop saying things like that! That's it we are leaving." Sanemi got Giyuu off the ground and they started walking to Giyuu's house.

Sanemi gave them one last middle finger as he went.

Ik I said I would post this yesterday but uhhhhhh yeahhhh I have a science test I have to study for. Anyway! Ill try and post another today or tomorrow

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