Tanzanite Rings

13 3 5

**Dedicated to my soul sister**

Words he never said swim in my mind

I'm sorry for hurting you
I'm sorry for not valuing you
I'm sorry for not appreciating you

How could I have been so blind.

One day we were getting married
One day we would have children

A future defined.

Only for my dreams die
Only for my hopes to demise

He won't ever know the feeling of those words
He won't ever know the feeling of a shattered heart
Those werent ever his concerns
My pain is his art

A wedding ripped away
No longer by the italian sea
A gown not being worn today
No rings for oui.

Wasted time
Wasted designs
Wasted tanzanite
Wasted kyanite

But now I am in a new era.
I know my worth.
I will blaze across the Sahara
I am meant for more than this earth.

A Princess who defines her own future
A Queen who has more than one suitor.

An Empress who takes one step, and does not look behind

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