Chapter 8

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When Tris and Belle walked into the barracks everyone cheered for them. Cristina and Will walked over chuckling.

"You do have a death wish." Cristina laughed wrapping her arms around them.

"I can't believe you said that to Eric." Will smiled at them.

"You guys are the only ones who's ever stood up to him." Edward to them

"Look at you're ear, and jeez you're hand. Let's get you guys cleaned up. Wrap it better." Cristina chuckled and they went to walk away before Molly walked over to them.

"Hey, Tris, Belle, that was cool." She told her making the two girls smile.

"Thanks." They both said before she walked away. They looked at Cristina and Will who both laughed as they walked forward. 

"Impressive, Stiffs. Congrats." Peter said to them.

"Shut up." Will shook his head from behind them.

"What? Hey, you're famous now. I mean, not because of the thing with Eric. You're in the news. Yeah, listen. The recent transfers of Beatrice, Isabelle, and Caleb Prior, children of Andrew Prior, call into question the soundness of Abnegation's teachings and values. What prompted them to leave?" Peter read before Tris and Belle walked past him to their beds but he just followed them and continued.

"Perhaps the answer lies in the corrupted ideal of an entire faction. The theft of resources, the general incompetence, the abuse of their children. Did they beat you, like Marcus Eaton's kid?" Peter asked them as they both just stared at him.

"They didn't beat anyone. They're good people." Tris said 

"Right. And that's why you left?" Peter said and Belle grabbed the collar of his shirt bringing him close to her as Crisina grabbed her arm and Will put his hand on her shoulder as Tris walked out. 

Belle didn't say anything she just stared at Peter watching as his smile turned into a straight line. She let go of his collar and shoved him forward before walking out too. She walked out to the chasm and sat down near the edge of the rocks watching the water flow by. Truth be told none of Belle's siblings were beat, but that didn't mean she wasn't. She 'wasn't a good enough kid' when she was little and her parents didn't know what to do except beat the crap out of her for her to listen, even though she already did. She had not once seen Caleb or Beatrice get whooped or smacked in the mouth. One time she can remember running through the house from Andrew, begging him to stop. Caleb and Beatrice were at school and had not clue what was happening. She had accidentally stayed out past curfew that night before and they hadn't been very happy. She was just outside in the yard, playing with friends. She didn't understand, she was only 8. Andrew had grabbed her and shoved her in the closet and made her skip dinner and breakfast the next morning, lunch too. He told her it for her own good, to help her. Eventually as she got older they stopped and she stopped messing up. Belle stood up and was walking down the hallway before running into Tris, Al, Cristina, and Will. 

"He's an idiot." Cristina said to them. 

"Yeah, that's okay." Tris shook her head as they all walked down the hallway together as they turned the corner they saw Jeanine walking down the hallway with Max and a bunch of others.

"What's she doing at Dauntless?" Will asked as they slowed down and Jeanine stared at them as they walked past them.

"Prior. You're Andrew Prior's daughters, aren't you? Beatrice and Isabelle." Jeanine smiled at them.

"It's Tris and Belle now." Tris told her.

"Tris and Belle, I like that. Hmm." Jeanine said looking at the MD that was tattoo on Belle arm and the four crows on Tris's chest. 

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