Chapter 2

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"Why did you just leave without telling anybody?" Andrew there father asked after they told him what happen.

"I was sick." Beatrice said then took a bite of her food.

"Beatrice... Isabelle..... I don't think you guys understand the level of scrutiny we're under. They're doing everything they can to discredit us right now." Andrew told them.

"Wait, who is," Isabelle asked making a face.

"Erudite. They believe that they should be the governing faction, not us." Natalie they mom told them.

"So you have to be careful right now, okay?"

"Even Marcus is under attack."

"For what?" Beatrice asked

"It's an old accusation. That he mistreated his son and that's why the boy defected." Andrew told her.

"Is that true?" Isabelle asked


"Course not. Children defect for all kinds of reasons." Natalie said as Isabelle looked at down at her reflection in her spoon.

Caleb, Beatrice, and Isabelle all went to the kitchen and started washing the dish's. Their parents came in with more dish's.

"Don't take too long in here. You need a good nights sleep.... For tomorrow. I, um..... We love you." Andrew said as everyone looked at him before he went and hugged Beatrice and Isabelle while Natalie hugged Caleb.

Natalie then came and hugged them while Andrew hugged Caleb. Andrew and Natalie then left the room going to bed.

"Beatrice? Isabelle?" Caleb said

"What?" They both asked

"Tomorrow when we choose.... You have to think of the family." Caleb said

"Yeah." Beatrice nodded

"But you also have to think of yourself." Caleb told them

They finished the dishes then went to bed. The next morning they started there walk to the place. When they walked in they first walked by the black. Dauntless. They were all talking to each other and messing around. Then they passed white. Candor. Then they came upon blue. Erudite. As they came upon the stairs a blonde woman in blue stepped down the stairs.

"Morning, Jeanine." Andrew said politely

"Good morning, Andrew. How is Marcus holding up?"

"As well as can be expected."

"We need to find out who's behind these rumors." Jeanine said sarcastically.

"I think we all know who it is." Natalie said

"If it's someone from Erudite, I promise I'll find out who. These are your children. I don't think I knew they were choosing today. What's your name?" She turned towards Caleb.

"I'm... I'm Caleb. It's a pleasure to meet you." Caleb smiled shaking her hand.

"Jeanine Matthews. And you two are?" She turned towards the girls.

"This is Beatrice and Isabelle." Caleb answered for them.

"Well all three of you have a big decision to make today. I'm sure your parents will support you whatever choice you make." Jeanine said to them.

"Thats not supposed to be a choice. The rest should tell us what to do." Beatrice said

"You're still free to choose." Jeanine told her

"But you don't really want that." Isabelle said

"Isabelle." Caleb warned

"I want you to choose who you truly are and where you truly belong. Not on a whim. Not because you wish you were someone you're not. But because you honestly know yourself. I want you to choose wisely. And I know you will." Jeanine said to her.

She gave her a small polite smile before she went and took her seat with her family. After everyone was seated they finally started. Everyone started clapping as Jeanine walked on stage.

"The faction system is a living being composed of cells, all of you. And the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to claim your rightful place. The furtive belongs to those who know where they belong." Jeanine said walked off then Marcus walked on to say a few things.

"When we leave this room, you will no longer be dependents but full-fledged members of our society. Faction before blood." Marcus said then everybody said it back.

"Jonathan Ziegler." Marcus said and a Erudite kid walked up.

He cut up his palm then dropped water into water.


"Jeffrey Yates."

A dauntless kid comes down, cuts his palm, then drips some blood into coal.


"Morgan Stokes."

A Candor kid comes up, cuts his palm, then drops blood into soil.


"Claire Satron."

A Candor girl drips blood into glass


"Sam Robertson."

An Abnegation kids goes and drops blood into grey stones.


"Caleb Prior." Marcus said then Isabelle and Beatrice both look at him.

He looks at them for a moment before he gets up. He walks down to the bowls and grabs the knife. He slices his palm before he stretches his palm out and dips blood into water.


Isabelle and Beatrice looked at each other before they look at they parents who's smiles have disappeared.

"Beatrice and Isabelle Prior." Marcus says.

They both look at each other and sit there a moment before they finally get up. Natalie and Andrew both stand up and hug them before they walk down the steps.

They walk up to the bowls they grab the knife and slice both they palms. Beatrice hand stretches over the grey stones before she looks at Isabelle. They look at each other for a moment and a split second before either can drip they both jut put towards the coals. Both drops land on the coal with a sizzle.


They grab a napkin and wipe there hand as tow dauntless people stand up and welcome them and let them have their seats.

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