Chapter 5

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Belle woke up to something getting hit repeatedly and then lights turning on. She woke and looked around the to Four and Theodore.

"I want everyone in The spot. Two minutes." Theodore told.

They all got dressed and ran into The Pit and walked over to Four and Theodore.

"There are two stages of training. The first is physical. Push your bodies to the breaking point and you'll master the methods of combat. "Four told them walking front of them.

"The second is mental. Again, breaking point. You'll face your worst fears and conquer them unless they get you first. You'll be trained separately from the Dauntless-born, but you'll be ranked together. After initiations, rankings will determine what job you move into. Leadership, guarding the fence, or keeping the factionless from killing each other." Theodore told them

"The rankings will also determine who gets cut." Eric who sat behind Four and Theodore told them.

"Cut?" Cristina asked

"At the end of each stage of training, the lowest-ranking Initiates will be leaving us." Eric stood up and walked over got them.

"To do what?" Al asked

"There's not going home to your families, so your love factionless." Eric told them as everyone looked around at each other.

"Why didn't we know that?" Will asked him.

"It's a new rule."

"A new rule? Somebody should have told us that."

"Why? Wold you have chosen differently? Out of fear? I mean, if that's the case, you might as well get out now. If you're really one of us, it won't matter to you that you might fail. Now you chose us. Now we get to choose you." Eric told them.


Over the next few days Four and Theodore would fight people, even each other, to show them how to fight.

When they fought each other it was pretty fair. Every once in a while they would crack small smiles at each other as they would hit each other.

They practiced shooting. Belle and Tris weren't very good at that. They missed the target a good few times.

"Statistically speaking, one of you should have hit the target at least once by now. Even by accident." Will told him and Belle punched him in the arm.

They did runs. Four and Theodore taught them a sequence of moves to do slow with a partner.

"First jumper! In the ring! Last jumper! In the ring! Time to fight." Eric called out and Belle stopped what she was doing and walked to the ring as Mollee walked up on the other side.

"How long do we fight for?" Mollee asked

"Till one of you can't continue." Eric told them.

"Or one of you concedes." Theodore stepped up.

"According to the old rules. New rules, no one concedes." Eric told them and they some other things Tay nobody could hear.

"You'll be scored on this so fight hard." Eric told them.

Mollee and Belle put their fist and looked at Eric.

"Go!" He told them.

Mollee got closer to Belle. And went at her but Belle dodged it shoving Mollee behind her. Belle reached her fist out and punched Mollee in the jaw. Mollee used an open moment and punched Belle in the jaw. Mollee went at her again and Belle grabbed her sides. Mollee punched Belle in the stomach before Belle pulled away. Belle kicked Mollee's feet out from under her. Once Mollee landed Belle punched her in the face. Mollee went out with that punch.

Later Belle sat with an ice pack against her bruised cheek when Eric spoke.

"All right, guys, over here. Listen up." Eric said as a board with a bunch of names popper.

"Know what his board is? It's your life. We grade you every day. If you're still in the red by the end of the first stage, you're out." Eric told them

Belle looked for her name. She was in the red. Barely. If she passed the person in front of her she wouldn't be anymore.

"What the hell? Did I get a bruised cheek for nothing. I'm fought someone, no one else did." Belle spoke pointing at her name.

"You barely hit a target." Eric told her and she rolled her eyes.

Later they were sat on their beds when Tris spoke.

"I'm never gonna make it." She said, her name was almost at the bottom of the list.

"Yes, you are."

"Im the weakest one here."

"Then you'll be most improved."

"You're Candor. You're not supposed to lie."

"I was Candor. And I'm not lying."

"If they cut me, I think my parents would take me back." Al spoke from another bed.

"No, it doesn't work like that. Even if they wanted to, their faction wouldn't allow it." Will spoke from a different taking his shoes off.

"Even if my parents would take me back, I wouldn't belong there anymore."

"This is getting depressing." Belle said and everyone chuckled.

"You know what we should do? Get tattoos." Cristina said as the twins shook her heads with smile.


Sorry for the short chapters, y'all just trying to get them out for you. I'm behind schedule a bit.

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