Chapter 31: Them again

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Hit's following week proceeded in a similar manner, with the boy diving up and down from the 18th floor, every day. The 19th floor became his lower limit; however, it was still an incredibly deadly place, and provided ample areas to practice elaborate manoeuvres through dense and intricate forests. Hit's supply of herbs was also flourishing, something that he was eager to sell once he reached the surface. Trips to the floors above were also entertaining and filled Hit with a growing sense of anticipation. Each time Hit passed the great wall of sorrow, he stared at a silhouette, longingly. The goliath was steadily growing larger, and more intricate, behind the crystalline walls. Soon, it would be ready to be birthed.

Meditation was also at the forefront of his daily activities. Tides of time would soon be ready for use, since Hit was steadily accruing a substantial amount of latent time energy. There was no point in using it now, as its activation would likely waste his entire reserve. The ability to accrue time had a 'snowballing' effect to it: the more energy Hit stored, the more quickly his reserves would increase. This lengthy task was therefore far longer when starting from zero. Hit also mused over his Subliminal Time Skipping, which was still very limited. If he could somehow combine it with ultra instinct, he would be unstoppable. Unfortunately, the technique simply did not match his person. Instead, he would need to grow stronger, and improve his body's agility and other basic abilities. Apparently, an increased magic stat also elevated the bearer's mental clarity.

Time release, Hit's strongest attack, was a ki based invisible energy blast in his past life. Here, it would have to utilise latent time energy entirely, or become a new spell. Annoyingly, Tides of time and Time release would therefore be battling for the same energy reserves. He could always make it a new spell; however, Hit wanted his magic to be more tactical. Powerful magic necessitated a longer charging time, and would be determined by a magic stat. If time energy reserves were used, the powerful technique could be used instantly, essential for his fighting style. Hit felt grateful that he could at least skip time for much longer than in his past life. He had spent the meditative sessions skipping time as much as he could; even after ten minutes of consecutive use, he still only felt slight fatigue. Slowly, the days passed, until 13 nights had come and gone.

* * *

Today was the 14th day of his holiday, and Hit was determined to defeat a Bugbear. He did not need to venture long, across the 19th floor, and successfully came across one tearing through a slimy beehive. The creature initially remained firmly in the dense woodland; however, Hit managed to coax it out (by drop kicking it in the face a few times), and was now battling it in the open. Hit flipped backwards to allow a clawed paw to fly over him and skipped time.


Hit positioned his fist over the Bear's forearm and performed a one-inch punch. Purple rays blossomed outwards as time passed once more, as well as a harsh crack. The bear roared as its radius and ulna had shattered; its limp arm flopped in the wind. Hit needed to be fast: The Bugbear was still stronger than him, and if he did not stop it now, the creature would enter a frenzy, and tear through the floor. Hit skipped time again and activated his [Time Lag]. The creature had stopped to focus on its wound, allowing Hit to finally cast the spell, covering it in a purple glow.

'I should have really strategized this better.' The simple desire to defeat a powerful enemy, had overridden any thoughts on detailed strategy.


Hit heard a familiar noise and stared upwards: it was a Gun Libellula. The bug had just flown out from the canopy, mouse-like creature in its mandibles, and was relatively close to ground level.


Hit ran under the dragonfly, and jumped upwards, grabbing onto the creature's legs while time was skipped.

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