The Past (cont.)

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Freen was glad to be able to touch Becky again, but also to not be directly facing her anymore. The need to watch where she was going made it easier not to stare or make a fool of herself by tripping. They walked down the street, with no specific destination, neither saying much, in their own heads.

Freen hoped that her hands didn't get sweaty and that she could figure out how to get a kiss before the end of the night without coming off like a creep. Becky is trying to figure out how to let Freen know she wants to kiss her too without actually asking Freen to kiss her. She'd seen Freen staring at her lips throughout their meal. It was obvious what the beautiful woman wanted, and Beck admitted that she wanted that also. After about 15 minutes of just walking and holding hands, they decided to have a seat on the bench they were headed towards.

"Uh, Beck? Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, why did you ask me that?

"Well because you've been pretty quiet since we left the restaurant."

"So have you. But, yeah, I'm enjoying myself. I like being around you, even if we aren't talking. If that makes sense."

"Yes, it makes perfect sense to me. I feel the same. There's something about you that makes me want to be in your presence. It draws me to you."

Becky looked up and Freen, then she leaned over and kissed her cheek. Freen was shocked and almost fainted. She turned to Beck, with the biggest grin on her reddened face.

"What was that for?"

"Because you were looking cute and I wanted to," giggles Becky.

"I had a really great time tonight."

"Great enough that you'd want to do it again?" (please say, please say yes, please say yes)

"Yes, I would love to do it again."


"Are you ready to go home?"


"Ok, Let's go."

Freen stands up and holds out her hand for Becky to take. Intertwining their fingers, they take off walking to the parking garage. Freen opens the door for Becky and goes around to the driver's side. Once in the car, they hold hands again as they travel back to Becky's dorm in silence, just listening to music playing on the radio. When they arrive at Becky's dorm, Freen gets out to help Beck out of the car and they walk slowly to her door. They stop just outside of the door and Becky turns to face Freen, smiling.

Thank you, Freen. I had a wonderful time tonight."

"You're welcome. Thank you for agreeing to go out with me. I would love to hang out with you again."

"Me too. Just let me know when."

Beck is pretending that she doesn't see Freen stealing glances at her mouth. Feeling slightly emboldened, Becky looks up at Freen.


"Yeah, Beck?"

"Is there something on my face?"

"No, Beck. Why do you ask?"

"Ohhhh, because you're staring at me again," Becky giggles.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I can't help it."

Beck says, "I know." The last word is muffled as she leans up and softly kisses Freen's lips.

("We'd have been standing here all night waiting for her to take the hint,") thinks Becky as she leans back away from Freen. You would think the cheek kiss would let her know it would've been ok. I thought I was shy.)

Freen stands there in shock with the goofiest grin. She glances down at Beck. Before she can think long enough to lose her nerve, she wraps her arms around Beck and kisses her back more intently but still just as softly as Beck kissed her. Beck is caught off guard, momentarily, but relaxes into Freen's arms almost immediately.

Freen pulls back to catch her breath but doesn't let Becky go. She rests her forehead against Becky's forehead and sighs. (Again, she silently thanks whomever invented compression shorts.)



"So...Umm, that was unexpected but great. Umm...thank you, not for the kiss, but, uh... thanks for that too, but I meant thank you for agreeing to go out with me."

Becky smiles.

"You're welcome and thank you for asking me."

Freen unwraps her arms from around Becky as Becky starts to get her door key out of her purse. Becky turns to unlock her door and opens it. She steps inside and turns back to face Freen.

"Ok. So, I guess this is goodnight. Call? tomorrow? I mean would it be ok if I call you tomorrow?"

"Yes, Freen," Becky giggles. "I look forward to it. Goodnight"

"Goodnight Becky. Sweet dreams"

"Oh, they will be", Becky mumbles to herself as she closes the door listening to Freen's footsteps get farther and farther away.

Inside her dorm room, Becky starts getting ready for bed. As much as she enjoyed her time with Freen, she's definitely glad to be able to finally undress. Wearing skirts and dresses are nice but they're also a source of discomfort. Free from restrictions she heads into the shower with her new friend occupying her mind.

The entire walk to her car, Freen can't think of anything except the beautiful woman she kissed tonight. Freen gets into her car and heads home talking to herself.

"Yeah, she is definitely worth the risk. I can't wait until tomorrow."

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