The Past

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On a random day about eight years ago, while both were attending Chulalongkorn University, Freen and Beck met when they both happened to be at the campus food court and ended up sharing a table because it was extremely crowded. Neither had a clue about the rollercoaster they were boarding or just how wild the ride would be.

Sitting down to eat her food, Freen glances up at Becky. Freen is stunned by the beauty her eyes are witnessing and can't stop staring. Feeling eyes on her Becky looks up from her book and notices that Freen is staring.

"What, is there something on my face?" Becky asks.

Freen quickly lowers her eyes and says "No." But can't look down for long.

"Ok, then why are you staring at me?"

Freen, captivated by not only Becky's beauty but her shyness, suddenly feels this overwhelming need to strike up a conversation with her.

"Wait. Let us start over." "I'm sorry. Forgive me. I meant no disrespect, but I couldn't help myself. I hope I'm not being too forward, but do you have any idea how stunningly beautiful you are?" Reaching out her hand, "Hi, my name is Freen, and you are?"

Now, Beck is introverted and can be shy, but something about Freen intrigues her. She finally glances up and notices that her companion is also extremely attractive. Despite her initial reluctance, she can't help engaging in conversation with the beautiful woman.

Becky's face and ears are now bright red, and she shyly looks down while whispering "Thank you. My name is Becky."

After they introduced themselves, they started to talk while enjoying their food. While they eat, they discuss their respective degree programs and future plans. They talk about their favorite movies and books. Though the conversation started superficially it started to become more personal. Freen asks Becky about her family. Becky starts to talk about her parents, and she mentions that she has an older brother named Richie, who's also one of her best friends.

Being an only child, raised primarily by her mom, Freen has always been kind of a loner. She has friends, but none that she's really close to. Her mom is probably her best friend in the world. But as her conversation with Beck continues, it feels like maybe that could change.

They both feel so drawn to one another that the conversation is just flowing between them. Before they know it, they start to realize that the food court is closing, and they've been talking for hours. As they start packing up their belongings and throwing away the trash from their meal, Freen offers to walk Beck to her dorm before she heads home to her apartment. When they reach Becky's dorm, Freen asks Becky for her Line ID and asks if Becky wouldn't mind hanging out again. Becky shyly agrees.

Freen heads to her car with the biggest grin spread across her face. There's something about Beck that makes her want to be close to her. She's never felt anything like this. It's exhilarating and it is terrifying. She knows she needs to be careful, but she feels like Becky will be worth any risk.

It's only been 3 days since she first laid eyes on Becky, but it feels like they've been apart forever. It's the first Friday after they met and Freen can't stop thinking about Becky. She pulls out her phone to send Beck a message.

           Hey Beck! 😊

                                                          Hi Freen, how are you? 😊

Great since you responded.



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