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"To MY home."

I was amazed at his answer and unable to speak. I was looking at him silently for some time, then he peeked at me and said,

"Don't be shocked. We have one hour to spend together. You can't deny..."

"But it was just a game. You don't need to waste your time on me." I replied, hurriedly. I thought it'd be better to deny.

Suddenly, Jungkook stopped the car and faced me, "But I want to".


"Listen, baby.!! I don't like to repeat. So don't lemme repeat."

If I had known anything like this would happen then I wouldn't agreed to go to the party in the first place.

Then I remembered Namjoon saying Don't worry, he'll take care of you. I shut my mouth and faced the window.

After some time, he stopped in front of a huge gate. The gate opened itself in seconds and the car entered the area.

It was a pathway towards a huge mansion, all lightened up. On the sides, there was a lawn, and in the center, a beautiful fountain.

I took a small glimpse of Jungkook who had no expression on his face, driving with one hand. Oh my God!! Is this correct.!?? Why I'm so weak.!??

He stopped the car at the main door where three women were bowing. Maybe they work here.

We footed out and a man came and got the car somewhere maybe to the garage.

I was so astonished by the beautiful exteriors but as we entered, the interiors took my heart. It was a big hall with a lovely chandelier.

I was mesmerized by the view but got distracted by some whispers. "Who's she.!? This is the first time Master brought a girl home.!!"

I overheard but didn't react. So... I'm the first. What if he does something wrong to me.!?? What do I do.!??
"Hic" I got scared and froze there.

"What are you doing there.!? Come with me.!!" He summoned, to which I denied, "No.!! I'm not coming with you. Just take me to my home."

I didn't know where I was getting that much boldness to speak against him.

"I don't care, whoever you are, a tycoon or a mafia. I don't want to stay with you." I shouted.

Everyone present in the hall was gazing at me as Jungkook advanced towards me, grabbed and put me on his shoulder, and took me upstairs.

"Ughhhh.!! Put me down.!!! Why are you doing this to me.!?? What have I done wrong.!??" I yelled.

"I thought you were a nice girl, but No.!! You're so rebellious.!! And you did that no one can do." He said and pulled the grip on the legs.

"I guess you desire a punishment. And why not, baby.!! I'll give you that, tonight." He added.

In a speck of time, he entered a room, locked the door, and landed me on the bed. Why is this all happening.!? I started praying to God, but it wasn't of any use.

He put off his blazer and towered over me, only with the help of his arms. I got so spooked that I closed my eyes, wishing to get unconscious.

My heart slowed down when I smelled the same fragrance which made my eyes open and I examined him.

"Yeah, baby.!! You're right, that was me in the party.!!" Jungkook confessed.

"You're so special that I can't let anyone have you."

"So tonight onwards, you're living with me.!!" I was stunned and my eyes widened when his hand gripped my arms overhead and pressed his lips over mine.

His other hand outlined my body, from flank to waist.

Don't react yn.!! Don't respond.!!!

But the way he slid his soft lips, I got breathless and opened my mouth.

The oxytocin took over me, and my body responded to the affair.



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