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It's been two months since I started University.

I, Namjoon, and Maria became good friends and our trio got to be known as the best group in our class. Namjoon became the class president.

We enjoy each other's company a lot. Suzy also stay with us. We went to many places together without my parents' restrictions.

We have visited 2-3 art galleries and museums with Namjoon as he likes it.

One day, we were sitting in the garden, when Namjoon uttered, "Do you people wanna go to a party.?".

I jested, "you and a party.!!".

He nodded and said, "Yes. It's my friend's birthday party and I have told him about you all.. so he invited you both. It's a grand party, why do you accompany me.!?"

I asked, "Isn't your family going.?".

"No. My father has some work to take care of. He's busy and is out of the country, that's why he wants me to go," Namjoon replied.

Maria denied it because she also had some work that day. So I agreed because I didn't want him to feel rejected.

He delighted at my words. Namjoon told me to get ready tomorrow by 6 pm and he will pick me up from home.

When I arrived home, I told my mom the same about going with Namjoon, she permitted me to go. So after having supper, I went to my room and did my homework. After finishing my homework I dozed away.

The next morning, I woke up at 11 am because I was exhausted from the tiring whole week. After freshening up, I did my brunch followed by my weekly skincare routine(because I am too lazy to do it daily), and got ready.

As Namjoon told me that it would be a big party, I wore a black silk dress accessorized with long diamond earrings (gifted by my dad) and heels.

I was done and waiting for Joon who was 15 minutes late. It doesn't even count much but being with Suzy made me Extra Punctual.

Namjoon phoned me and spoke out, "Hey Yn, come out! I'm in front of your home." As I went out and shut the main gate, I saw Namjoon towering over a gorgeous Audi Car, wearing a black well-fitted suit.

I was stunned to say anything. He opened the back door of the car and let me sit and settled himself next to me. The driver took us to the party hall because Namjoon didn't know how to drive.

When we reached and got off, I saw a huge palace where the party was organized. He said, "I'll introduce you to my uncle and tell them you're my friend. So, don't worry and enjoy tonight.".

I wanted to question him about so many things, but I didn't. I just nodded to his opinion and smiled as we moved inside the palace. Namjoon took me to his uncle and we greeted each other.

"Ohh!! Namjoon, my son. How are you?? And who's with us today, our future daughter-in-law!?" His uncle exclaimed.

"Oh no!! No Uncle, she's my friend, Moon YN. I asked her, She's joining us today." Joon calmly responded.

"Oh.! Moon..." The man hummed.

I was shyly standing behind Joon, thinking I shouldn't come. Then we proceeded to the VIP lounge where the birthday boy was sitting.

As I entered I saw a blonde-haired boy, wearing a navy blue tuxedo, using his phone.

"Ohh Yoongi!! Happy birthday Bro.!!" Namjoon surprised him.

"Ahh, thanks.!! Happy birthday to you too." Yoongi replied joking, Namjoon hugging him.

They smiled at each other when they broke the alliance. Yoongi took a glance at me asking Namjoon, "Who is she?".

"She's my friend, Moon YN.".

"Cute, why are you not giving an introduction, huh.??"

"Yeah, Yn this is my friend, Min Yoongi."

I greeted and wished him a happy birthday. And when he got aside I saw some more boys sitting on the sofas.

"Yn, we are childhood friends. This is Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon introduced.

Jeon Jungkook, what he is doing here and he is Namjoon's childhood friend!! oh my God!! I am done.!!!
I was screaming in the corner of my mind when my eyes met with him.


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