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Prior to the recent events of the arena, the only creature Odelya could ever fathom of hunting were mere fish. Beautiful innocents were they, kissing up against her feet as she drove her makeshift spear through their tiny hearts. However, under deeply traumatic circumstances, people can shift and writhe into beings of which they could not even dream of becoming.

Never had she previously envisioned of herself as a callous Siren, a mythical figure whose seductive voice would lead sailors to their unfortunate demise. Harm a sailor she could never, for they were much too closely held to her heart, but other individuals she now had such a little choice over their fates; if her wish for self-preservation were to continue.

Regardless of the ironic veneration Odelya had received by her enemies due to such an unwanted status, Siren's would forever be the dance partner of cowardice in the grand theatre of a white as snow pine forest.

A coward is a mere figure of pity, not reverence, for they haven't the loving bonds strong enough to envision the terrible suffering of a grieving family.

All those Odelya had slain, whether it be for mercy or otherwise selfish reasons, had loved ones someone beyond the extents of this arena, and those would be in the same agony that she herself had lived through on too many frequent occasions.

Love was something Odelya had been so proud to have lived through and despite her destructive actions, such a beautiful spark would burn through any sign of cowardice in her being.

Those who refuse to love are the true cowards, not merely the murderers.

Odelya would not be acquainted with such salvational knowledge for a long duration of time, for in her destructive mind, only a coward would kill fellow children - however deadly - in their sleep.

What horror hid underneath the snow coated ground was unbeknownst to her, yet Odelya ploughed ahead. Telling herself that soon she would find the hiding place of her true allies, Apollo and Florence, was the only thing of which attempted to spur her forward. All energy seemed to be depleting from her weary bones and all she wished for  was to be curled up on the beach back home, feeling the waves lap against her feet. Perhaps she would be there right in that moment if she had not been reaped.

Before her Games, she had never seen the snow before, not in person anyway. Only on the mandatory viewing of the Hunger Games; occasionally the arena would be snow covered like this one.

Now, all she wanted was to let for the snow to consume her, to open up and swallow her whole. For she was so entirely exhausted, so devastated at her own actions that she could barely find the mental strength to continue upon her quest.

But Apollo and Florence could wait for just a little while longer. Such thoughts filled her mind and she slumped lazily against a pine tree causing a flurry of snowdrops to rain down upon her. She then closed her eyes, and tried to find some kind of rest.

It just wouldn't come to her. Opening and closing her eyes in a repetitive manner, as though it would cause sleep to fall upon her like the ever present snow, but it alluded her.

However, a sudden burst of energy formed in her chest as Odelya spotted a glimmer of bright hazel out of the corner of her eyes. Stood underneath a large pine tree, only slightly concealed from view but enough for her to walk straight past them, were a pack of four arctic wolves.

Scrambling to collect her things and escape from the ever so dangerous ground on which she stood, but the wolves pounced on her. However, not before she recognised their eyes. Romulus, Orla, Mars and Pansy all had the same hazel eyes, which Odelya could never deny were so incredibly beautiful. Eight eyes which reflected the murders she sought out of purely selfish desires.

In such a dreadful moment, Odelya finally realised what true excruciating physical pain felt like. Oh, how the wolves' teeth burned against her gaping wounds, as they stabbed through her clothing for any sign of naked flesh. Desperately crying out, hoping for another tribute may acknowledge her presence and put her out of her painful misery.

Scrambling around for her studded mace, Odelya recognised that it had been cast aside in the midst of the wolves rage. How tantalisingly close was the handle, if only she could reach her fingers just that slight bit further. Tears streamed in the darkness down her face and in that moment Odelya knew that if a miracle were not to occur that she would soon perish in the snow.

Such supernatural phenomenons didn't happen to lowly girls from the Districts, so with any final burst of energy she could possibly muster, Odelya managed to through the smallest wolf off of her gaping shell and grasped did she her so deeply detested mace. But in such a situation, it was as though some shining light would radiated from within the deadly weapon.

Battering the wolves from off her limp body, she turned the Career's counterparts brains inside out just as she had done to them as they took their final breaths.

Collapsing back down against her tree, the only thing which kept Odelya conscious was the sight of a small parachute falling from the sky like a snowdrop from the nearest tree.

Oh, how she clutched the metal casing as though it were her lifeline, despite its contents being what would actually keep her alive for just that little while longer. Seemingly, a magical medicine, infused with the capabilities to heal her gorged leg.

Following such a necessity was even more so of importance to Odelya, just such a beautiful note, which reminded her of the life which remained waiting for her. Of course, on the grounds that something just so dreadful happened to both Apollo and little Florence.

My heart yearns for your loving arms, my pretty mermaid - Your Forever Sunshine.

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