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Regardless of the inevitable arena of death she would be forced into upon her departure of the training centre, Odelya would most gladly admit to having rather been anywhere else rather than a gymnasium filled with children being trained to slaughter each other.

With the group training lasting a mere three days, Odelya and her little circle of allies had familiarised themselves with an array of vital survival techniques. Odelya had mastered setting various kinds of snares, Apollo was proficient in finding water sources and little Florence had acquired a great knowledge of the edible and poison plants found within the countless landscapes of which they could be soon faced with.

Their skills in combat, however, were still yet to be developed and worried did both of District Four's tributes about their tiniest ally. In comparison to Odelya and Apollo, who participated in mandatory training as a part of their Capitol issued education, little Florence had been enveloped in a blanket of her father's comfort since birth.

In defiance of their golden mentors direct instructions, Four's representatives would spend the majority of the later days training up Florence at the station which surrounded violent knives. Surprisingly, the girl from Twelve had a certain knack for it.

Such a contradiction was the nature of Florence Abernathy, who could now plunge a knife into the nonexistent heart of a mannequin from greatly deviating distances and follow such an aggressive activity by dancing a fresh sense of life into all who surrounded her.

Resembling the mannerisms of a blossoming flower in the springtime, Florence wrapped her arms around Apollo in celebration. Of course, neither had ever had any siblings, and seemed to have become rather attached to each other in the past few days.

Deciding to take on a different approach to Florence's training, Apollo fabricated a station for the two to spar - perhaps it would give her a possible fighting chance against the older tributes? Odelya took on the role as the little girl's mentor, her strategic forethought gave additional advantages to whomever she coached.

Caught the eye did Odelya, of District Two's boy, named Mars and his partner, Pansy, of whom seemed rather impressed with her tactical capabilities.

Odelya had figured that a state of unhinged violence was not of the upmost importance for victory in the Games, perhaps a calm and strategical approach was additionally necessary.

"You seem to be quite the natural at combat, Four," A gruff voice spoke from behind her, she turned quickly to see Mars stood there with a cocky smile.

"Thank you," Odelya replied cautiously, edging away from her allies as she was rather a aware that Apollo was now watching their interaction, his arm around Florence's small shoulder in a way of halting their training, with an increasingly angry expression on his face.

"Have you made any allies yet, Four?" Mars asked her, in a tone of which she was supposed to be intimidated into telling him exactly what he wanted to hear.

"I have got my options open," Odelya responded quickly, a devious plan forming in her mind.

"How about joining us?" Mars asked, jerking his head in the direction of his fellow companions: Pansy, Romulus and Orla. "We Careers need to stick together, after all."

The majority of Panem's peoples seemed to forget that Four was a Career District also, as they did not have such a high level of surviving victors. Despite the knowledge that a tsunami had taken out the Victor's village only two decades prior. Mags was the only unfortunate survivor.

"Of course we must," Odelya charmed him in a mocking flirtatious tone.

"Good," Mars nodded, rather pleased with himself and his newfound ally. He sauntered arrogantly back to the station of which he had come from, where he returned to lazily slicing an array of dummies into small, insignificant pieces.

"What on earth do you think you are doing?" Apollo asked, fast approaching her, after momentarily setting Florence up on a new activity.

"I have a plan," Odelya replied briskly, said matter still formulating in her once innocent mind. Such treachery was necessary for her survival.

"Mind clueing me in?" Apollo argued.

"All in due time, Apollo darling. I am still constructing the finer details in my head."

"We are supposed to be allies, Odelya. What about Florence? Where does she fit into your little plan? Apollo was getting decidedly red in the face.

"Do not make a scene unnecessarily, Apollo. I promise that I will tell you everything just the second I figure all of this out, myself."

"I volunteered in place of your brother, Odelya. I am so hopelessly devoted to your sister. And now you're acting like you cannot trust me," Apollo spoke.

"I do trust you, Apollo," Odelya stressed, "Believe me, you are the only person here who so trust wholeheartedly. I am forever indebted to you."

"You must not ally with those of whom you cannot trust. Remember, the Careers of traitor, remember Melody, they will slaughter you in your sleep."

"I remember, do you really think I ever forget that moment when I see I every night in my dreams?" Odelya asked, in an attempt to calm down her partner, "Just trust me on this one, please. Look after little Florence and I will take care of everything else, I promise."

Apollo had always seen a glimpse of Melody's intelligence in the younger Castellan, and so with his tortured love always at the forefront on his mind, he trusted Odelya wholeheartedly,

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