Delivery 2

119 3 2


Yn and jun was coming out of bathroom after taking a bath
[They showered together ofc jun
Helped yn to shower cause she can't manage to do that because of her belly is big afterall she is 9 month pragnant]

Jun:yn sit in the bed i will bring our lunch

Yn was bored so,she decided to walk a bit

She got up from bed and walked here and there

Suddenly she started to feel pain on hee belly
When she looked down she realized her water broke


Jun came running after hearing her shout

As soon as he reached
He realized what was happening


[Yes jun and others got comfortable with each other so,they call each other hyung,unnie,noona]

Bts,bp and other came hearing jun's shout

Soon they took her at hospital

At hospital

Jun was crying as he was so worried

And others were comforting him

After some hour

The doctor came out

Doctor:congratulations on being perents of a boy


Sorry for the short chap purples

Btw any idea for the boy name?
Next update will be on next week maybe if i get some names of the boy and when this gets it 70-100 views  i'll make it soon

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