Chapter 3- The Noble Knight.

Start from the beginning

"Don't throw food around." I said as I ripped the tape off of the lid. Grabbing one piece then stuffed it into my mouth. "Fank you." I tried to say thank you but it didn't really work out.

"Yes mom I won't throw food around no more." She rolled her eyes at me picking up one of my sushi's.

It was Friday night and it was traditional that Beth would sleep over at my house since her mom and mine's always had their girly night. The house was empty seeing how dad was doing a late night shift again.

"So what should we do first?" I said as I jumped onto my bed with the box of sushi whilst Alex hissed at me then stalked away.

"Hmm lets watch this movie I found on Netflix." She says grabbin her Mac book out from her duffel bag. Moving over, she squeezed her way into my bed and situated the laptop in between us.

"Oh and I got us this." She bent down and tossed me a bag of sweets. I am not even kidding, the size of the bag was half the size of me.

"What the chum bucket? Where did you get this from?" I said while I put my hand inside taking out a crunchie.

"I stole it." She says and I nod slowly, only then I realize what she said.

"YOU WHAT? YOU STOLE?" My voice screeched out and I heard Alex hiss from the hallway. Had my best friend become a criminal? Already? I mean I knew this day would come, but not so soon.

"Woah calm down Ana, I stole it from Ben." She says as she looked for the movie Bad Neighbors. Apparently it was a really good movie starring Zac Efron and Dave Franco. Hopefully it wasn't R rated like the other movies Beth watched.

I calmed down when I heard who she stole it from.

Ben Sanders was Bethany's older twin brother by 2 minutes and 13 seconds. They competed against each other for everything, Im telling you, if there Becca asks who could clean better they would compete. They just don't know that Becca is just using them to clean the house. She so sneaky. Ben looked like the boy version of Beth. Shaggy blonde chocolate locks, although his were a tad darker, grey eyes that always held mischief. Exactly the same. I remember when we were little he used to shove me into the sandpit, claiming that I had tried to kiss him. Lies. I just really wanted the swing that he kept hogging the whole lunch time.

"Are you sure this doesn't have any R rated scene in here?" I asked quietly as the movie started.

"Yes. Now shh." She smacks my arm and munches on the sweets.

4 minutes and 14 seconds later she shut the laptop. My eyes were wide from the scene that just occured before.

"Holy shi-shillings that was like watching porn." She cringes and pushed the laptop away. I winced at her word choices.

"Remind me to never let you choose the movie." I shake my head and smiled when I saw Alex stroll into my room. He hissed at the sight of Bethany.

"God, I swear your cat is out to get me." She says as she sees him before getting up. They never did like each other.

Alex jumped onto the bed and meowed at me before plopping himself at the end of the bed. He stared at me with his green cat eyes, analysing me.

"Ooh I know what we can do tonight. " Bethany says before tucking her Samsung back into her pocket. She walks towards my closet which had a poster of a grinning Flynn Rider on it. I giggled when I saw the poster. It was a picture of Flynn winking, so cute.

"What do you have in mind?" I finally reply stroking Alex's coat. He purred under my touched and I smiled.

"We, my friend are going to a party." Bethany twirls around wiggling her eyebrows. Beth usually spent her weekends at parties. She threw a bunch of my dresses on the ground. Dang it, now I have to clean that up.

Mr Grumpy - DISCONTINUED AND BEING RE-WRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now