Are you busy tonight? 

                                                           No. Why?

Feel like going out to

eat with me?

Maybe catch a movie?

Or both?

                                                           What time?

Well, that depends.

How quickly you can get ready?

                                                           20 minutes?

See you in 20 minutes.

Smiling, Freen slides the phone into her pocket and heads out to her car. She had already showered and gotten dressed before messaging Becky with the hope that the beautiful woman would agree to go out with her. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She wore black dress slacks, a red, women's short sleeve dress shirt, and a black vest with red flowers on it. She finished the look with a pair of low-heeled ankle boots. It was to her, a nice blend of feminine and masculine.

She lives about 15 minutes from campus. So, with the drive and walk to Beck's dorm, she should be right on time. Freen guessed the universe was on her side tonight because the streets were as clear as she'd ever seen them, and she had lived in Bangkok for most of her life.

17 minutes later, Freen raises her hand and knocks on Becky's door.

"One minute," Becky shouts through the door while making a final adjustment to her outfit. She really hoped Freen liked it.

Freen stands nervously in the hallway waiting for Becky to open the door. After what seems like an eternity, Becky opens the door. On the other side of the threshold, Freen is desperately trying not to stare at the beautiful creature in front of her.

Becky is wearing a dark red halter top that stops just above her belly button, a black and red skirt that stops about mid-thigh, and red heels that almost bring her exactly to Freen's height.

Her mouth suddenly dries, and Freen struggles to say hello. Up until this very moment, she has never stuttered one day in her 26 years, but seeing Beck in this outfit is affecting her in ways she never imagined. She is definitely hungry, but not for food.

"Umm. (gulp) Hi, Bbbbecky. (gulp) Rrrreaddy to-to-to go?" mumbling to herself "Come on Freen, get it together before we really embarrass ourselves."

Swallowing and clearing her throat, this time Freen speaks without stuttering.

"Hi, Becky. You look gorgeous. Ready?"

"Yes, and you're looking very good yourself this evening. Weird, how we didn't discuss our outfits but we're matching."

"I promise it wasn't intentional, I'm not stalking you or anything." "Mumbling to herself again, "Dammit, Freen. Why would you say that? Now she's going to think you're nuts." "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that. I guess I'm a little nervous."

"Don't worry, Freen. We can be nervous together because I'm nervous too. Let me grab my purse and we can leave."

As Freen and Becky head to the restaurant, they start to talk.

"So Freen what made you want to go into Communication Arts?"

"I wanted to work in a field where I had the ability to benefit society in a meaningful way."

"Wow, that's cool and not something you'd necessarily expect to hear from anyone our age."

"Why did you choose law?

"Because it agreed with my analytical mind. I like to problem-solve. Law allows me to do that and help people. Also, I wanted to do something that would pose a challenge to myself. I'm introverted so studying something requires me to emerge from my protective space is a challenge to overcome."


"We're here," Freen says pulling into the parking garage.

Freen turns off the car and walks around the car to open the door for Becky. Beck takes the hand that's extended to her.

"Thank you"

"My pleasure. (I needed an excuse to touch you.)

They head into the restaurant, Freen holding Becky's hand, both thinking.

(I hope my hand isn't sweaty.)

They are seated at a table across from one another and the server hands them their menus,

"Becky, what would you like to eat?"

"I'll eat whatever you want me to eat." Becky slaps herself mentally and giggles. "Ok. Umm... I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I just meant you can choose but nothing spicy though, please?"

Freen tries to hide her smirk behind her menu. She takes a deep breath and swallows uncovering her face by moving the menu once she got herself together.

"Do you like grilled pork?"

Yes, though I don't eat it often."

"Really? You can probably bribe me to do just about anything if you promise me grilled pork first."

"I'll remember that," Beck says grinning slightly.

The server returns and Freen orders for them both. They make small talk while waiting for their food. Becky is talking and although Freen is staring at her mouth, she has no idea what Beck is saying.

(I can't wait to kiss her. Ok, Freen stop perving and focus)

"So, what about you?"

"Huh? I'm sorry, what did you ask me?"

(Freen stop staring and pay attention)

"I said I'd rather go for a walk after dinner instead of a movie. You?"

"Oh. Yes, I'd definitely like that."

(Maybe I'll get to hold her hand again.)

Thankfully, the server finally returned with their food.

"Thank you," both girls said.

They eat mostly in silence. Becky tries to pretend she hasn't noticed Freen's staring, particularly at her mouth; Freen desperately hopes Becky hasn't noticed her fascination with Beck's face, especially her lips.

(Her lips are calling my name. I can't wait to taste them)

"Freen? Freen? Excuse me, Freen?"

(Oh my God, I did it again. She's going to think I'm a creep or something.)

"Uh, Yes, Becky?"

"I was just asking if you were done eating."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry I've been a little distracted." (OK, so I have to stop staring at her mouth or this will be our last date.)



"Why are you so distracted?"

(How do I answer this without sounding like a perv? Ok. I'm just going to be honest.)

"Umm...well...see the thing is that well... umm... you're beautiful and it's really hard not to stare.

(That's not the entire reason but still mostly the truth, if tell the whole truth she may never talk to me again. It's only our first date. She doesn't need to know I've wanted to kiss her since I laid eyes on her. I swear I'm not a creep, she is just that damn gorgeous. Stop talking to yourself Freen!!)

Becky's face and ears are bright red and she's glad the light in the restaurant is dim.

"Thank you," Becky says shyly.

"Are you ready?" Freen asks as she stands up silently thanking whoever invented compression shorts. She reaches out her hand for Beck to take and they leave the restaurant. 

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