Wolf in sheep's clothing.

Start from the beginning

"Buddy? Janneee? Where are you guys?"

No answer.

"Builderman- this- this isn't funny-"


Unpleasant almost jolted and looked around, then he saw it.

A patch of red blood slowly crawled and seeped through the floor, like a creeping danger. Right around that corner.

unpleasant felt his stomach drop and he instantly ran towards the puddle, almost stumbling on his knees as he finally saw the horrid crime scene.

Jane doe and builderman. Both of them ripped apart to bits, their organs and bits sprawled on the floor like a canvas of blood and death. Their horrified faces indicated something much bigger happened.

Unpleasant felt himself choke on his sobs and vomit.

"Buddy..?...wait..wait WAIT KASPER-!"


A growl.

There was a growl coming right behind unpleasant.

It slowly turned around and saw the huge monstrous being towering over its little scared posture, it's fangs dripped with the blood of the murdered couple.

Unpleasant could instantly recognize the clothes ripped all over it, everything, it's almost like the monster was..



Unpleasant almost jolted up and turns back, seeing gnarpy push away the catatonic lampert and hold their blaster onto the pissed off beast infected.


And just as gnarpy released the trigger, unpleasnat jumped forward, protecting infected, as the impact was made between the gradient and the ball of hot plasma.


Gnarpy held xer gun down and stared in shock, as the other noc's almost screamed.

"Ohhhh goodnezz-"

Unpleasant gradient was sprawled on the floor, dying as half of his fucking body got blown off, patches of burnt skin and the chunks of flesh spreading around him like a ring as the red seeped through half of its colored skin, leaving a gruesome sight.

But unpleasnat wasn't dead. Just simply panicked and scared and in intense pain, seeing it's life flash, seeing all the terrible, terrible memories from the war.

Re-experiencing it. It didn't feel so good having cptsd now.

The beast jumped back and slowly walked towards the burnt off gradient, everyone expected him to take a bite or lick the blood, but the beast stared in disbelief and dread as the gradient twitched and cried out in pain.

He watched as his father was suffering.


Safe to say, it was NOT happy, it felt the rage inside it boil over ten more times, seeing nothing but a tint of red as infected slowly raised his head and looked into gnarpys big beady eyes.

That STUPID alien's eyes.

And before xe could even react to what xe just did, infected jumped onto xem, making sure to mark them. To tear them apart. To make them PAY.

The others screamed at infected, trying to get him off, others simply watched him, others passed out or gagged out vomit in disgust, and Mach was the one who finally stepped up, grabbing the monster by the scruff of its neck as it hissed at everything and everyone, tears and even more blood dripped down its muzzle, shaking as it let out yowls of anger and pain.

"I think that's enough drama for a while." Mach huffed, feeling a little stressed herself "oh pilby...you'd never survive if you heard what you did." She stared at infected, who was having a full blown meltdown, squirming and letting out squeaks and roars to be let out of her grasp.

"I'm. Going to take him so he can calm down. You all take care of the gradient and the cat thing over there" she motioned her hammer to the bloody and groaning gnarpy as she walked away, the echoes of infecteds cries still hasn't left the air until Mach went far enough.

"Oh...my goodness.." split gulped "that...I'm.....my god...wait, bive-?" She turned her head around to see bive, the one who technically started this all. trembling like a leaf in the fall, looking mad guilty and afraid.

"Y-You ok-?"

Bive felt a tear drip out her hairy face, and then multiple others as she felt split hug her tenderly in pity.

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