Y/N: I'm going to take a shower ok...

Tae: mmm *still reading his book*

I had a thoughtful shower, I was still pondering on about Saemi's room... Tae had already showered so when I came out I sat next to him on the bed and said I wanted to talk to him...

Y/N: Tae? Can we speak for a bit...

Tae: *takes off his glasses and places them along with his book on the nightstand* sure love... is something bothering you?

Y/N: well, I suppose you could say that... it's about Saemi's room

Tae: sure, let's hear what you have in mind...

Y/N: well... firstly I know we discussed during lunch that you want to donate Saemi's things and turn her room into a study...

Tae: yeah?

Y/N: but, what if we need that room... just the way it is I mean...

Tae: What? What do you mean...

Y/N: I know we're just starting to recover, and I might be asking for a bit much... but are you ready to try... again?

Tae's POV

I couldn't believe my ears, I wasn't 100% sure that I knew what she was hinting at, but I had a pretty good idea...

Tae: For kids? Try for kids?

She nodded sheepishly... Saemi was unexpected, and I thought we'd be much older when we plan to have kids... I'm not complaining, but I'm not quite sure of my feelings on the topic... it's a bit sudden... so I took her hands in mine, they were resting in her lap... I looked her in the eyes and gave her a sincere answer...

Tae: Y/N, I definitely want kids, there's no doubt, but don't you want to wait a bit more... don't you feel it's a bit soon...

She looked a bit disappointed...

Y/N: uhm... it is a bit soon I suppose... but I realised, during the time that I was pregnant, that I really wouldn't mind being a young mom... and seeing you be so protective and the way you took care of me even when you were just barely holding on yourself, I realised that you would be an amazing dad... I'd never want anyone else to father my kids...

When she said that I felt my heart melt... was I really that good? I think the only thing holding me back was the fact that I over considered my age, I already knew that Y/N would be a great mom, I mean she's great with TXT, but I wasn't so sure of myself... could I really take care of a baby? I know that a father is essential in a kid's life and that made me scared to mess up...

Tae: Y/N, do you really think I could be a good dad?

Y/N: *nods your head* you'd make a terrific dad, Tae...

Tae: Ok, then... maybe give it a few months, just take some time to get your health 100 % and do things you couldn't while you were pregnant, cause 9 months is a long time... let's go to theme parks and things like that... and don't worry.... I'll get you pregnant as soon as we're both ready *boops your nose with his finger*

Y/N: *giggles* stop being weird *gets under the covers*

Tae: I'm not being weird... *chuckles*

Y/N: so we're going to keep Saemi's room the way it is?

Tae: mmm, for now... we'll change it a bit later, I mean... I don't want our future kid to grow up in a room that was made for Saemi...

Y/N: mmm, let's do that later then...

We've had a rough first year of marriage... we had those 2 weeks of our honeymoon, then the 8 months that Y/N carried Saemi and the 2 months it's taken to recover from the pain Saemi left us with... we got married in February and it's already the end of December...my birthday is in 4 days...They say the 1st year of marriage is tough, but I don't think it's supposed to be as tough as ours was... the year really flew by, Y/N was pregnant during her 21st birthday so we just had a small party... we're now in December and it'll be our 1st anniversary as a married couple in 2 months...


It was Tae's 22nd Birthday 4 days later, and I threw a small house party for him... we just had the rest of the members, Clare and his parents over...I should let you know that Mrs Kim and I, or Eomma as I now call her, have become close... she's taught me how to cook all of Tae's favourite dishes and she visits often as well... she's actually like a mother to me and she treats me like her own daughter... The party was really fun... but when everyone went home I gave Tae his present... actually he's waited a while for me, I haven't really shared my body with him in a very very long time because of being pregnant and then depressed... he was hesitant at first, but he eventually relaxed and did what his heart desired... I really forgot how much I enjoyed this...

Tae's POV

It was our 1st Anniversary 2 months later, so I decided to surprise Y/N with a 1 week's trip to Switzerland, she absolutely loved it... she loves the cold weather and I have learned to love it too... when you're cold, the body heat of the one you love is really comforting, way more than a blanket could ever be... so we spent some time there and not too long after, we told everyone the news, "Y/N IS PREGNANT", we hadn't previously told anyone about our plans and so they were really shocked, some congratulated us, some judged us and some made their worries known... but it's okay, we're happy as long as we have each other... we can get over any obstacle because we've learnt how to handle pain and be there for each other...

Y/N and Tae's POV

Most couples would say that this is where their story ends, but for us, ours was only beginning... We've passed Our THEN, we're living Our NOW, and we can't wait to experience our FOREVER...

...THE END...

                                Or Should I Say

                            ...THE BEGINNING...

Author's POV

Thank you for reading this book, unfortunately, it must come to an end... I do hope that you all have a sense of closure now that Tae and Y/N are happy once again... Don't forget to Comment and Vote... bye for now 🙂‍↕️

 bye for now 🙂‍↕️

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