"No, Delilah. You are just worried for literally no reason."

I say because for me it's not a big deal and besides I have already talked to our teacher, so I know she is not going to fail.

"No, you don't know anything. I have figured everything out."

She still doesn't look at me.

"And what is that you  think you have figured out??"

She is the most cute person ever known to me, I want this conversation to never end.

The sun is shining over her face and she is looking the prettiest, her eyes are shining, it's the brightest thing known to me, I can't stop looking at her eyes.

" I am just going to drop out of university. I will do 2 part-time times jobs and will help Mom in business too."

She counts things on her fingers.

"Are you mad?"

I am embarrassed of myself, I have done so wrong to her. I feel sorry.

"Why would you tear those pages?"

She looks at me, now.

"I am sorry, I was arguing over something with Isaac and also a lot was going on in my head."

I touched my head as if she could see all the mess inside it. But she keeps looking at me, without any reply, without any expression on her face.

" And, I just wanted you and only you to have credits, why would you write my name on the research work you did all alone? Be selfish, please."

I say looking at her innocent face.

And she smiles, ironically, mocking me.

" And, I have submitted your assignment already. And the teacher took it too."

It's now that she has shown a reaction to my words.

"Wait, What?"

She thinks she has heard me wrong.

"Yes, she took your assignment and marked it 'done' on her laptop. And I have made sure that she did."

I explain everything again.

" You mean there is a slight chance of me getting through this semester?"

Her eyes shine more now.

I want to look at her forever.
I feel bad for making these eyes cry.

" There isn't only the chance of you getting through the semester but so that with a good GPA."

I assure her, I am glad I got to see this shining of her eyes.

My heart is betraying me,

it shouldn't.
It shouldn't.
It shouldn't.

I keep repeating it to myself.

"How did you do it all?"

She throws a question.

And, I am not sure what is she asking.

"What do I do exactly?"

Now, I bounce back her question to her but with different words.

"You act so nice one moment and completely different the other moment."

She looks sad.

" I am like this Delilah, even I am not sure if one second from now, how will I act with you."

I say looking at the infinity, on which Delilah's eyes are fixed.

" How is your brother? "

She says still looking at the fixed point at some huge distance crossing the entire football ground from where we are sitting to the other side of the ground.

" He is fine. But he is still not able to walk."

"I assure you, He will be fine and will walk on his feet. Don't worry."

Delilah says this and smiles at me.

She seems so broken. I don't know which part of her she is trying to heal by telling others that everything will be fine probably because no one ever has told her the same,

I want to hug her and tell her that everything will be okay soon, very soon.

But, she seems so hopeless as if things won't ever work out, she easily gives up on everything because things have never probably gone the way she wanted them to.

Be nice to her.
Be nice to her.
Be nice to her.
Be nice to her.

My heart is galloping,

My hands are sweating but my mind is at a constant war with my heart,

We don't do that, we bully her, we love torturing her, You don't need to be nice.


I extend my hand toward her like an atypical kindergarten student.

She is confused for a second and then she smiles and extends her hand to shake with mine but I immediately with draw my hand and start scratching my head.

"what's wrong with you?"

Delilah still smiles.

"That still makes us friends or not?"
I ask.

"Yeah, It does, But I am still not sure if you will keep bullying me or not." She says,

She seems quite better than she was before.

"I am sorry. " I say again remembering what I did to her research work,

"I have heard Abraham doesn't say sorry to anyone because he is never wrong."

She says looking at me.

"2 things. First, you can call me Abe. And the second thing is You have heard right, I am never wrong."

I tell her.

"Okay, Abe."

She smiles again and her eyes smile too.

"You gotta come with me to Isaac's and I need to patch things up with my best friend."

I tell her.

" You should go alone, I will meet him tomorrow here in uni."

She looks at her wristwatch for time.

" Delilah, we both should go, He was so mad at me because of you."

I stand up.

"So, you made me your 'friend' Because of Isaac."

She makes a double apostrophe symbol.

"No, what I did was wrong, I needed to make things right. Now, let's go."

I tell her and extend my hands towards her so she can stand up to me.


She holds my hand and I let her hold her.

I thought she wouldn't, she would be afraid of holding my hand when once I didn't let her hold it, but she is crazy ( innocent) She keeps trusting people.

This is the only wrong thing about good people, they think everyone else is good too, even if they have shown their bad side once, twice or even thrice it only means they are going through something but it's not like this, if people want to they can be nice to you all the time. We just can't let people take advantage of us, and we shouldn't.

I am trying to update an episode regularly. By the time I am posting it, I have already started writing the next episode.
Send love.

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