Dean nods, "If you say so."

She tilts her head to the open door and steps aside, making room. "Come on in."

"So you hear anything?" Bobby asks as the four of you enter Pamela's house.

"Well...I ouija'd my way through a dozen spirits," she starts as she closes the door behind you, "no one seems to know who broke your boy out. Or why."

"So what's next?" he asks her.

"A seance, I think. See if we can see who did the deed."

"You're not gonna summon the damn thing here?"

This warrants a laugh from Pamela, "Nah. I just want to get a sneak peak at it. Like a crystal ball without the crystal."

She starts heading to another room and Dean looks at Bobby with a shrug. "I'm game."

The old man sighs as you all follow her. She's already setting up a cloth on a table when you enter the room.

She bends down to grab something out of a drawer, and a tramp stamp saying "Jesse Forever" becomes visible. Dean grabs yours and Sam's attention to look at it.

"Who's Jesse?"

Pamela laughs as she turns to look at the three of you, but specifically Dean. "Well, it wasn't forever."

Dean sucks his teeth, "His loss."

She stands up holding three candles and approaches Dean. "Might be your gain."

He watches her walk away for a second before huddling with you and Sam. "I'm so in," he whispers.

Sam chuckles, "Yeah, she's gonna eat you alive."

"I just got out of jail. Bring it."

This causes you to snort and Dean shoots you a self-satisfied grin.

Pamela must have overheard the conversation because she walks past Sam and adds, "You're invited too, grumpy."

Dean quickly raises a finger to Sam's face, "You were not invited."

Sam raises his hands and backs away, "Hey, man. She's all yours."

You both chuckle as Dean walks away to watch Pamela set up the seance. The two of you chit-chat until she calls you over to the table.

The candles are now all lit and she motions for all of you to take a seat.

Once everyone's seated, she starts, "Right. Take each other's hands."

You take Bobby and Sam's hands into your own.

Pamela reaches her hand to Dean's thigh, "And I need to touch something our mystery monster touched."

Dean jumps. "Woah! Well, he didn't touch me there."

She giggles, "My mistake."

An uncomfortable look finds its way to Dean's face, and Sam raises his eyebrows at you with a smile.

Dean starts removing his plaid button-up and rolls up the sleeve of his t-shirt, revealing a handprint that seems to be branded into his bicep.

"Holy shit," you mumble.

He also clearly didn't show the mark to Sam because he looks at you and Bobby with the same look of fear and confusion you assume is on your face.

Pamela reaches out and places her hand directly on top of the branded handprint. She closes her eyes and begins to speak.

"I invoke, conjure, and command you appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you appear unto me before this circle. I invoke, conjure, and command you appear unto me before this circle."

As she continues chanting, the tv in the corner of the room switches on.

"Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy."

Dean's eyes are open now and he repeats the name, "Castiel?"

Pamela turns her head to him, eyes still closed. "Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back. I conjure and command you, show me your face."

She keeps repeating this phrase and the table starts shaking. At this point, everyone else's eyes are open and you all shoot each other questioning and scared glances.

"Maybe we should stop," Bobby suggests, fear coating his voice.

"I almost got it." Pamela assures. "I command you. Show me your face. Show me your face, now!"

Just then, the flames of the candles soar higher and brighter than before and she starts yelling out in pain. Her eyes are open now and bright, white light emits from them as she screams. Blood starts pooling from her eyes and she falls limp against the table. The flames from the candles finally go back to normal.

"Call 911!" Bobby shouts.

He cradles Pamela in his arms and you and Dean rush over to them. Sam leaves the table and rushes to the phone.

She opens her eyes in Bobby's arms with a sob and you have to choke back a gasp. Her eyes have completely burned out of her skull.

"I can't see. I can't see." She sobs as you, Dean, and Bobby share worried glances. "Oh, God."

Oh God, indeed, you think to yourself, fear roiling in your stomach. 

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