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Just as a little disclaimer before we get into this, this is my first time writing Supernatural fanfic, my first time writing reader-insert fanfic, and my first time writing fanfic in years. Please keep that in mind as you get into this story! <3

As for the reader-insert aspect, I've decided to opt out of using y/n. I absolutely adore reader-insert fanfictions as I find it hard to enjoy and relate to original characters. I also kind of dislike using y/n. Odd, I know. The main character obviously is going to need to be referred to as something at some points in the story. Because of this, I decided to name her 'Jonesy.' Just a silly play on her last name, which is Jones. Jonesy is essentially the reader. Aside from the last name and use of she/her pronouns, she will not have any physical descriptions or name, and will mainly be referred to as 'you' in my writing. I understand this is not everyone's cup of tea, it's just what worked best for me when drafting.

Aside from that, the Supernatural characters remain untouched aside from personalities that I have to write in to keep the story moving. I'm adhering as closely as I can to their original personalities, as well as the original plot of the show. Because of this, I decided to take some scenes word for word, just for the familiarity of it.

I feel like I should also mention that there is a lot of plot before the relationship forms. Just a little warning if that's not your thing!!

Without further ado, let's get this show on the road!

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