Chapter 6

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I couldn't breathe by lunges felt like they were caving in my chest. I tried to get up but i felt pined down.

I felt my body being shook awake.  "god my head kills." My throat burned as the words came out my mouth. "yea that's the price of a good time.I just woke you up because you seemed like you was having a bad dream." Erryn seemed a little worried but like everything she says it was covered with a arrogant undertone. "yea what els is new i get them all the time." "yea i get them to's a witches instinct going off. it's your magic trying to worn you." she walks out off bed. she was wearing my pink strawberry pyjamas. she began going threw her leather jacket. "how do i figure out what it means." "why should you. i've ignored every premonition and i've been completely fine. I wouldn't sweat it."she took a her cigarettes out. "please smoke by the window my dad will smell that and my dream will be the least of my problems." she smirked walking to the window. "do you always worry about what daddy will say." she's took one long drag of her cigarette. "sometimes he usually knows best." she rolled her eyes as if i said the most ridiculous statement. "is he the reason you don't practice." she raised one eyebrow in curiosity. "it was his idea but I agree. magic puts me in the middle of danger" she let out a dry laugh. "magic is what keeps you out of danger believe me." she glanced out the window.I could tell there was something she wanted to say.We remained silent for a second. "maybe for you but i was a sucky witch surrounded by vampires.magic made me a liability." she wore a small smile of understanding. my memories from last night crept up on me in shamed. "oh god jasper. i sent that note." Why would i do something so embarrassing and stupid. "i did the witch equivalent of drunk texting my ex." I let out a anxious laugh causing erryn to laugh to. "that's how you know you had a good time" erryn stopped laughing. "so why did he leave." "he said it was his family.they where worried about him hurting people." she looked a little shocked. "a vampire worried about hurting people never heard of that." I took a deep breath. "no i told you he was good.but I drove him away i have a bad habit of pushing people away when i get scared." "yea i got that from the first day i saw you at school." I put my head down in embarrassment before realising. "shit we are going to be late for school." I shot up and ran to my closet looking for clothes.erryn rolled her eyes. "who cares if we get in trouble i'll just hypnotise the teacher." I spun around to face her. "no! no more magic especially not that would you like to borrow some clothes for school." she strolled over and picked up my lavender blouse is disgust. "do you have anything less frilly." I lightly slapped her shoulder in annoyance. "just get ready."

we finally made our way to school after erryn spent what seemed like forever to pick an outfit and coming from me that's a long time. she spent the entire bus ride complaining about the pink sweater vest she had on.
"I mean seriously do you own anything sexy or is it all just strawberry shortcake cosplay." she wined as we entered the school. "very funny are you done complaining" I responded. I wasn't paying much attention. I was trying to but i felt in a slight daze. maybe i'm still drunk from last night.I just had a pit feeling like i was being watched. "do you feel that?" I turned to erryn . she shook her head. "i'm obviously losing my mind once again." "hey Rachael" a very chipper mike approached us. "oh hey mike this is erryn." I turned to see erryn with a very uncomfortable look on her face. "I actually have to go thanks for last night." she scurried away. "what happened last night" Mike asked. we walked to class.Milk and i both had art.we often walked to class together. " I went out with erryn for drinks." "i didn't realise you where friends" is shook my head. "we kinda only just became friends.i was upset and she helped me let loose." Mike's face morphed into a worried frown. "what where you upset about? please tell me it's not because of Jasper" "no i've have just been overwhelmed." I could tell mike wasn't buying it. He already had a distaste for The Cullen's and them leaving putting bella in the state she's in.has brought out a protective hatred. "you shouldn't be heartbroken over that jackass dumping you" I rolled my eyes at his harshness. "he didn't dump me mike we where never dating. and lay off the hate doesn't help anyone." mike let out a deep sigh he obviously wanted to shit talk edward and jasper more. "fine but i still hate them."we entered the classroom. class went by as we began our projects. I could feel my mind trailing wasn't new i knew what was happening.i couldn't stop my mind drifting away.

black everything around me was black. the start was the only light. I realised my entire body was wet. I lay there cold unable to lungs burning filled with water and tears streaming down my cheeks.My vision began to fade away and I couldn't feel my consciousness returning.

I was back in class everything seemed normal again.My drawing however struck a familiar worry. the sketch was the woman that has been haunting me.her long black hair and cold black eyes.the photo however began moving.she was crying and smiling.a conflicting fear and happiness radiated off her. "what is it with you and that woman." Mike said catching my attention.I panicked that he might of saw something.when i turned back to my sketch book there was an average woman.with a long face and wide kind eyes.she seemed peaceful. "what do you mean." I asked mike. "you have been drawing her for months now." I shook my head. this is the first time i've seen this woman. mike laughed grabbing my sketch book. "see" he flipped through every page and mike was right. she was on every page. how could I forget drawing her.Im not stupid she was obviously linked to the ghost and i'm done burying my head.

as soon as lunch started i stormed over to erryn. "i need you help badly." she sat by herself with only a chocolate bar and energy drink for lunch. "wow what issues do you have now. do you have a ex leprechaun in town." she joked.normally i'd laugh but i have to much on my mind. "it's about my dream i need magic." she rolled her eyes. "I told to just ignore it.i'm not being dragged in that drama" she took a long swig of her drink. "i'm not asking you to be involved i just don't know enough usual supplier is insane and my dad burned all my family's grimoires." she let out a loud singular laugh. I didn't realise i said something so amusing. "you can't burn grimoires." My face scrunched up at her statement. "if a grimoire has that much magic writing makes it almost indestructible and you can't destroy magic." I shook my head "i know they where my father said he did" i was certain. "then he lied." "i-" I was trying to defend my father but she was obviously right.when it came to magic my father always lied. "ok you obviously have a lot of issues. family drama,ex vampires lover drama and crazy premonitions." she let out a sigh. "you seem like a really cool chick honestly but I don't get involved in this kinda thing it's to dangerous" i nodded.
i understand where she was coming from how could i not. It was the entire reason i tried cutting off jasper and why i gave up magic. "but if i was to give you advice. i'd find your family's books magic always finds magic especially family magic." Erryn said with a small smile.I walked away i was clearly going to have to search the father had my books somewhere and i needed to find them. as i open the cafeteria door my bag strap snapped. "are you kidding me!" i yelled to if things couldn't get any items where scattered all over the floor. including the spell book from Yamauba. i reached for the green book and it fluttered open to the spell I used last night to send jasper my note.I don't know if Yamauba spelled this dam book but the last thing i needed was reminding heartbreak. "kick me while i'm down"

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