Chapter 2

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Rachael's PoV
that same night Bella and I was getting ready for her birthday party. "so are you going to say anything to him" Bella asked with curious eyes.
"I guess. stay still" I straightened her head as i applied a blueish gray eyeshadow to her eyes. "are you going to talk about prom" she continued her interrogation.
It had been no secret Bella really liked the idea of me seeing Jasper.
She's been begging for me to talk to him from months. "I think i'm only going to talk to him if he talks to me" I said looking for my next makeup product to put on Bella.
"you know what would be the best birthday present" she said.
I looked at her with a smile waiting for her to tell me.
"you telling Jasper how you really feel"
i frowned at her ridiculous suggestion.
"no Bella i told you i-"
"don't want to be involved in vampires business.i get it but you have been miserable without him" she said. What Bella didn't know is Jasper was just one part of my sadness.that complications that come with Jasper could result in more devastation.I could tell Bella noticed my face drop.
"let's change the subject. look at your pretty makeup" i said holding the mirror up to her face. she then pulled a obvious forced smile. "really that took me hours" i laughed out. "i like it.but why do i need this. i'm just going to see Edward's family" she asked. "because it's a special occasions plus it doesn't hurt to dress up" I said. I knew Bella wasn't into the makeup stuff and i was really appreciative she let me do it.
I knew it was because she knew something was off. luckily Bella won't push me to talk about something i didn't want to. and I wanted to talk about anything but my issues.
"so did Edward get you anything" I said bringing up a new topic.
"He got me a CD with a lullaby on it"she responded with a beam of light. i could tell even though it was simple it was probably the best gift she ever got. even though i was a tiny bit jealous of Bella spending all of her time with Edward.I was really happy for her. "it's nice to know some guys get it right" i said causing Bella to get up and hug me. "I promise tonight is going to be fine" I tried to convince Bella and myself.
we then herd the door bell ring. Bella excitedly broke from the hug. "that must be Edward" she collected her bag and looked back at me. "i can give you a minute if you want" she looked at me with sympathy. I didn't want to seem like i was to worry so i lied
"no i'm fine honestly."

we finally arrived at the Cullen's house. as we entered the large glass house i was greeted by unexpected warm hug from Esmée. "i'm so glad you came" she smiled before hugging Bella. "Alice isn't quite finished so Edward will take you to his room to wait." she said gesturing them upstairs. "I can help if you would like" I suggested i didn't want to be stuck in a room with just bella and Edward being all lovey dovey the car ride was bad enough. Esme's smile grew before agreeing. as i entered the room I looked around at how beautiful everything was. there's was candle's everywhere that lighted up the room perfectly, a small table covered in presents for Bella, there was another table with food i'm assuming for just Bella and I. a beautiful red and white birthday cake surrounded by roses. "Rachael" I heard Alice squeal skipping over to me.
"your here to help right" I nodded In response. "you can help with the flower arrangements. Rosalie was meant to do it but she got hung up kinda" she pointed to a table covered in white roses. I walked over to the table and began arranging the flowers in different vases. everyone seemed to be Joking around with each other. I didn't attempt to make conversation. I did want to be civil but i felt off not only because of how i felt but because of Jasper.
I wanted to respect his boundaries as well. I had finished my arrangements and began to carry one vase to a table. "danger" I heard a familiar whispered and a cold feeling passed threw me. causing me to almost drop the vase. But I was caught by cold firm arms. It was Jasper "thank you" I instantly responded. I noticed he was still avoiding my gaze. he quickly took his hands of me and stood up straight. "you should be more careful" he said with a hint of annoyance. "I-I" I began before he walked off. not giving me a chance to continue the conversation. I then shook it off he was right to respond in such a cold way.

everyone finished decorating I had made little to no conversation with everyone. I had been desperately waiting for Bella so i didn't feel so awkward.after all i'm only here for her. In between awkwardly fidgeting with my hands I had given into my self and stole a few secret glances at Jasper. I felt almost guilty that I had stolen the joy form Bella's day.
"ok everything is ready i'll go and get Bella" Alice squeak from joy. She had ran upstairs and came back with a really embarrassed Bella and Edward trailing behind her.
"sorry about all of this" Carlisle said pulling her into a hug. Esme then pulled Bella in while giggled with a warming smile "as if that was even possible." she joked.
there was a crazy part of me that was slightly Jealous of how warm they where with her. with how well Bella fitted in. "you should try to join in" Jasper coldly whispered next to me. "I am" I responded. "no your avoiding" He said. I just rolled my eyes in response. "really you have been desperate for my attention with those glances and when i give it you all i get is a eye roll" he Joked. "i haven't been looking at you" I defended.
"yes you have and you only stair when you want to say something" he commented. "wow this new arrogance is a very unattractive look" I said in a snarky tone.
"I'm trying to change my usually mannerism are to old fashioned for you" he said looking into my eyes. "Please don't being charming is one of your best traits." I whispered. I then noticed sadnesses spread across his face.
"just not good enough" He said looking away from me. "Jasper you-" I began before i noticed a sudden change in his posture. a familiar animalistic posture. I turned to see Bella with a paper cut. I backed away in fear as Jasper lunged towards Bella. Luckily Edward reacted quickly and push Jasper across the room. sadly he had also pushed Bella behind him.underestimating his strength and pushed her into glasses causing further injury.
I was frozen in fear with being reminded of Jaspers true self.
Emmett and Rosalie had luckily grabbed Jasper. he must of slowly come back to himself because shame was writing all over his face.

Bella and I had gone into Carlisle study so he could stitch her up. 
"so that's why he won't turn me because his soul" Bella said to Carlisle. Bella had been talking about being changed since prom i had shared my distaste for it but I can't choose things for her I just don't know if we'd be able to stay friends. "if the roles where reversed could you take his soul" Carlisle said before leaving. typical vampire so dramatic for nothing and that's coming from forks biggest drama queen so you know there dramatic. "are you ok" Bella asked. "your covered in blood and your asking if i'm ok"
she gave me a little shrug before speaking. "It Just looked like you where more scared them me"
"how are we making this about me your the hurt one" i deflected.
"it's ok if you haven't gotten over your Jasper's attack .you don't always have to be so put together" I smile at Bella's kindnes I didn't realise my it was so obvious i thought i had hidden that part from her.i was so lucky to have someone like her in my life someone who actually notices when i'm drowning.I had thought i had gotten over it but i guess there's a small amount of fear that's been lingering over me.

Later that night I had woken up to a knock on my window. as I opened to curtains and I had welcomed by a distressed Jasper. "what are you doing here" i whispered. "can we talk please" I wanted to turn him away but the pain on his face was overbearing it made my give into him. "fine" i said has he began to come in. "wait not here i'll come outside" i said grabbing my shoes. I walked outside "ok what do you need now" I said coldly. I didn't want Jasper to get to comfortable not after what he did. even if a part of me felt sorry for his lack of control. "we are leaving" he blurted out. My entire body shifted. "what" I said in a empty tone. "Edward decided it was better for Bella's safety" he whispered while still keeping a distance from me. "but you don't want to go?" I asked. there was no response just his hurt eyes looking into my soul.i know the sadness was building up inside him. "please stay" I almost was like everything changed for a split second the fear of dying or being in the supernatural world wasn't as scary. the distance from him hurt but losing him brought a dreadful feeling i'm my chest "why there's nothing here for me" he said. before continuing "I just wanted to apologise for everything all the sadness and complications I caused"
"Don't flattered yourself my life was already completed before meeting you and if there was nothing for you here you wouldn't be here apologising" I was no longer thinking straight all i could feel was my emotions taking over. I could feel my cheeks warning up and my heart start to speed up.
Jasper stood still i didn't know if he didn't know what to say or if he was holding himself back from saying something. I didn't know what was talking over me but i walked towards him and pulled him into a long kiss. I could feel us lean into each other and there was almost a moment of peace but we snapped back into reality and Jasper pulled away with confusion. "that's what you wanted right for me to prove your enough for me. Your right I love you so please please stay. i'll do anything just please don't leave me" i begged tearing up. He look more hurt then before there was no response before he ran away and I was left in the quiet dark with nothing but my tears.

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