-alternative ending 2-

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sorry for any spelling mistakes!! this was written on my phone. xx

Because ya'll are just my little pookies and I adore you so freaking much I thought it was time that I give you another gift, aka I wanted to do this for ages.

so here is alt ending 2, aka the opposite of alt ending 1. Again, this is sad and a lil bit emo. hugs, kisses mwah xxx



I let out a small gasp and Scott grins at me. "We're okay! We're oka-" He's cut off and slumps to the ground and I turn around to see Kira is knocked out as well. I spin on my heel causing me to stumble a little and the sight that greets me is none other than Void, standing above my two friends with a smirk on his face.

"This was my game." He says as he turns to Lydia, Stiles and myself and I stumble back into Lydia. "You think you can beat me at my game?"

He takes another fast-paced step forward and Stiles, Lydia and I begin to walk backwards as he gets closer and counties walking down the hallway.

"You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old you can't kill me!" He yells and I flinch.

Lydia and Stiles both continue the walk backwards but I hold my ground, he wouldn't do this if I could stop him.

"Void..." I murmur, I watch his eyes twitch and see the hesitation in his eyes.

"Malena- I have to do this." He growls. "I have to-you don't understand."

"Then make me understand! Help me understand. Please-" I beg and Stiles cuts me off.

"Are you begging with this piece of shit?" He snarls and I step in front of him.

"I can't let you do this Stiles, I don't care what you think of me but I cannot let you hurt him," I say, putting one hand on Void behind me and the other in front with my hand out and power exposed. "I'm warning you, stay back," I growl.

"Malena," Lydia whispers.

"No. I don't care Lydia. I do not care, he means more to me than any of you do. I'm sorry-I can't let it happen." I say, and I turn around to kiss Void on the cheek. "Go, run. But please don't stay here."

"Malena, I can't leave you." He whispers and then I watch his eyes widen as he watches something over my shoulder. "No!" He screams and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.

I turn to see Scott with his mouth to my arm. "Scottie." I sob as the pain starts to take over.

I feel myself drop to the ground, Void following suit. He drops to his knees as I start convulsing on the ground. "Whats-whats happening," I murmur.

Scott looks horrified standing above me, "I didn't mean to! I swear Malena, it-I-Fuck!" He screams before kneeling down beside me and grasping my palm to try and take my pain.

I feel my insides lighting up like a fire and I can't feel anything. I hear my breaths come out in short sharp breaths. "Void- my arm." I cry, "My arm!"

I feel Void's delicate touch as he holds it gently. "She's got a fucking black nose bleed, what the-" He starts and then I watch the look of realisation hit him. "She's dying."

Scott looks up at him frantically. "What! No, no she's fine. You don't know what you're talking about."

I feel my heartbeat racing through my ears as Lydia sits down beside me and cradles my head in her lap. "Malena, you'll be fine. Trust me okay? I know when people are going to die, you'll be fine!"

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now