Christian bale is my brothers friend, not best friend, just friend. He's sort of well known for being a druggy and hanging out with dodgy people and getting into god knows what trouble. I've never actually spoken to him we've only glimpsed at each other now and then.


We arrive at Venice beach where Christian is seen with a group of 5 other guys, a lot of them smoking. My brother beeps at Christian and Christian waves. My brother steps out the car and so does Kate, great now I have to as well. Mine and Christians eyes are on each other and soon as we get the chance, but he breaks it when Derek is close enough to pass him his 'stuff'
"Thanks man, how you been?" Christian asks as me and Kate walk up closer.
"Yeah I've been chillin man, you?"
Christian nods "yeah bit shit now n then you know how it is"
"Yeah I get you" Derek pretend punches Christian in the chest.
Christian looks me up and down and smirks at me

"Say, you staying for a bit it's a good vibe tonight

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"Say, you staying for a bit it's a good vibe tonight." He asks Derek.
"Nah man we're gonna cut-"
"I'll stay."
I say I don't know why I would choose to say with them but I'm bored and it's a Saturday.
Christian smiles at me and Derek just looks a bit shocked.
"Guess we're not cutting then, Kate you alright staying as well?" Derek asks
"Yeah as long as I can stay at yours if not then no way" I laugh "you can stay"
"Perfect then." Christian says.



Right now we're sat at Venice beach, the fire going and everyone either drinking, on drugs or sleeping. Personally, myself I'm drunk.
My eyes are starting to drift off when I feel a presence sit down next to me,
"Hey you okay?" Someone whispered against my ear
I open my eyes and see it's Christian,
I smiled "yeah I'm good, just, very, drunk."
He smirks "I can tell you are, your looking fine though"
"Why thank you, tried very hard with my makeup today" I playfully joke
"It looks great" he flirts
"Your only saying this because your high on drugs, so don't." I say sternly
He looks at me a bit offended
"I don't do drugs, I sell them but i never use them, Emily. I wouldn't just assume things like that. "
Oh god you know it's bad when they use your name in a sentence.
"Well I thought you did, because you make it a bit obvious to everyone you do."
I say honestly
He put his arm round me, "your very honest, I like that"
I looked at him and our faces were so close to each others, he moves closer in making our noses touch
"Can I kiss you?" He mumbles with dead eye contact at my lips.
I nodded and just-
"Emily." Derek said sternly
Me and Christian jump and come back to reality, totally forgetting everyone was still here. Derek looks pissed off.
"Let's go." He looks at me then looks at Christian and Christian just puts his head down in shame.
"I'll see you later" I say and Christian smiles and gives me a nod.


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Me, Kate and Derek walk back to the car. He slams the car door shut.. oh fuck


Please let me know if you liked this if not I won't bother 😂😂😂😂
Also suggest things you would like to see happen in this story!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞Where stories live. Discover now