Part 19: Something Wicked this Way Comes

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," Sam muttered.

Y/n sighed as she took a sip of her drink. She put her cup on the roof of the Impala and reached into her jacket and pulled out her switchable. She doesn't open it but she just starts spinning it in her fingers.

Sam notices and figures that's something she does when she's on edge as this wasn't the first time she did that. Not to mention that switchblade was important to her since she didn't go anywhere without it. Also the necklace she was always wearing.

After Dean finishes talking to the mother of the girl, he tells them what he learned. Apparently kids around town have been getting sick and six are already in the hospital. So they figured that was a good place to start. So they suited up and headed to the hospital to investigate.

However, Dean gives Sam a badge which he wasn't too pleased to be given.

"Dude, dude, I am not using this I.D," Sam stated.

"Why not," Dean asked.

"Because it says 'Bikini Inspector' on it," Sam exclaimed, annoyed.

"Why the hell do you even have that," y/n asked Dean.

Dean grins. "Don't worry she won't look that close all right? Hell, she won't even ask to see it. It's all about confidence, Sammy."

He spins Sam to face the desk as he pulls y/n along with him to keep walking so they can watch this unfold. The receptionist looks up at him and Sam has to act like everything is fine.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Jerry Kaplan, Center for Disease control," Sam said, trying to be confident.

"Can I see some I.D?"

Dean stifles a chuckle as hit his arm. Sam looked at them as y/n had a fake smile as Dean looked away, rubbing his arm and trying so hard to not laugh. Sam glared at his brother before looking back at the receptionist with a smile, trying to play it cool.

"Yeah, of course," Sam said as he reached into his jacket.

He quickly showed the receptionist the ID before putting it back in his jacket.

"Now, could you direct me to the pediatrics ward please," Sam asked.

"Okay, just go down the hall, turn left, up the stairs."

Sam gave her a smile as he thanked her. His smile then fell to an irritated expression when he turned to face his brother.

"If it makes you feel better, this ass did the same thing with me with a fake 'male-muscle examiner' badge," y/n said.

"And both times, it worked like a charm," Dean said.

Sam was still irritated that not only did Dean make him do this but apparently this wasn't the first time he pulled this crap.

"Follow me. It's up stairs," Sam growled.

The trio head upstairs and walk down the corridor. Just as they turned the corner, Dean stopped to look into a room. But they snapped him back to reality and continued to move to the pediatric ward. They make it to the pediatric ward where they meet Dr. Hydeker, the doctor on the case

"Well, thanks for seeing us, Dr. Hydeker," Dean said.

"Well I'm glad you guys are here. I was just about to call CDC myself. How'd you find out anyways," Dr. Hydeker asked.

"Oh some GP, I forgot his name, he called Atlanta and, uh, he must've beat you to the punch," Dean said.

"So doctor, you say you got six cases so far," y/n asked.

"Yeah, five weeks. At first we thought it was garden variety bacteria pneumonia. Not that newsworthy. But now," Dr. Hydeker said as he began to trial off.

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