Part 13: Faith

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The trio pull up to an abandoned house. They get out and go to the trunk to grab some tasers.

"What do you got those amped up to," Sam asked.

"A hundred thousand volts," Dean said.

"Damn. Rawhead bastard gonna be extra crispy," y/n remarked.

"Just how I like them," Dean said. "And remembered, you get one shot with these things. So make them count."

The trio enter the house and head to the basement. Noise comes from the cupboard. They aim the tasers there. Y/n swings the doors open to find a little boy and girl inside, covering their ears.

"Is it still here," y/n asked.

The kids nod their heads.

"Okay. Grab your sister's hand," Dean said and the boy does as he's told. "Come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go."

They help the kids up and take them to the stairs. Suddenly a hand grabs y/n's leg and pulls her back. The kids scream as Sam and Dean point the tasers at whatever grabbed her. Sam fired the taser but the Rawhead dodged it but it did let go of y/n.

"Y/n, get 'em out of here," Dean said as Sam helped her up.

Y/n nods her head and gives Sam her taser before getting out of the basement with the kids. The boys look around and see the Rawhead is gone. Dean signals Sam to go one way as he went the other. Sam nods his head and cautiously scope the area.

Suddenly he hears a crash and head to back. He sees Dean on the ground in a puddle and the Rawhead approaches him. Sam ran to them, but Dean thought faster than he could move and fired the taser in the puddle, electrocuting them both.

"DEAN," Sam shouted as he ran to them.

They both twitch and the creature then falls down dead while Dean slumps over.

"Boys," y/n called out.

"Y/N! HELP PLEASE," Sam cried.

Y/n rushed over to where they were to see Dean's condition.

"DEAN," y/n yelled.

Y/n ran over to the boys and held Dean's face. She tries to wake him up but Dean's eyes wouldn't so much as twitch.

The following morning, y/n and Sam were standing by a reception desk at the closest hospital in hopes of helping Dean. But they have yet to hear anything from the doctors. Sam gave the receptionists a card to buy since obviously none of them have insurance. They turned around to see that the two cops that were questioning them were still here.

"Look, uh, we can finish this up later."

"No, no, it's okay," Sam reassured the officer. "We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood, and our windows were rolled down. We heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped, ran in."

"And you found the kids in the basement."

"Yeah," y/n said.

"Well, thank God you did."

They hear a door close and see it was the doctor leaving Dean's room. So they excused themselves and walked over to the doctor.

"Hey, Doc, is he--"

"He's resting."

"And," y/n asked.

"The electrocution triggered a heart attack-- Pretty massive, I'm afraid. His heart-- It's damaged."

"How damaged," Sam asked.

"We've done all we can. We can, uh, try and keep him comfortable at this point, but I'd give him a couple of weeks at most, maybe a month."

"No, no, there's...Got to be something you can do, some kind of treatment," Sam said as his eyes watered.

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