Chapter 21; Miss me?

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Derik was working on all the files while Noah was watching judging everything he did,

"Your handwriting is a little worse here, you should fix it." Noah said. Derik erased it and wrote it again, his pencil broke, "Oh no, looks like you have to rewrite that whole sentence now." He smirked. Derik glared at him,

"This is the 50th time I have told you to leave me alone. Don't you have something better to do?"

"Hmmm, no." Noah smiled.

"Go organize these files from A to Z." Derik handed him a few.

"Isn't that your job? I am supposed to be your bodyguard, not butler." Noah reminded him.

"Well I never even needed one. You don't even know how to be one do you? I bet Tullius is just being cheap." Derik said.

"I will tell him you said that."

"You remind me of those nerds in middle school." Derik was tired and had a cramp on his hand due to how much he was writing, Noah noticed,

"Do you need coffee?" He asked.

"I don't drink coffee."


"No, just go get me water and leave me alone." He said. He didn't have the strength to argue with him. Derik has rarely been getting sleep, his arm would randomly start hurting in the middle of the night.

"Water? Come on, that is too boring, at least get coffee. You look tired." Noah said.

"Weren't you a psycho 2 hours ago? Why do you care."

"I will just go get you coffee." Noah left. Derik put his elbow on the table, propping his chin up. He still had many other files to do then he had to go help a few groups. Noah came back ten minutes later and handed Derik coffee,

"I told you I don't drink coffee, you could have gotten me an energy drink or water."

"Well, it's the same thing, just drink it." Noah said.

"Also what took you so long?" Derik asked.

"Some workers needed my help."

"Go help them then, you are being a burden sitting here." Derik tried getting Noah to leave, he wouldn't stop distracting Derik and annoying him.

"Maybe later, just drink the coffee!" Noah said. Derik pushed it away,

"I told you I don't drink coffee. Why do you want me to drink it so bad?"

"You look tired and you are screwing all the files up! Why else?"

"I am screwing it up because you won't leave me alone! Just go do something else then I will drink it." Derik said. Noah sighed,

"Fine." He walked out the office. Derik watched him leave then threw the coffee away,

"There is no way I will ever trust that guy." He thought. In the meantime Selvio was in a room with two people, Landon from group 5 and Isabella from group 6, they were asking Selvio questions. Isabella pulled a few photos from the sword and the burning restaurant,

"Does any of this look familiar to you?" Isabella asked.

"Nothing does, I can say that sword is mine. Who has it?" Selvio asked.

"Wait, Isabella look closer, it has a D and E initials on it." Landon pointed out.

"Really? Selvio, can you tell us what they stand for?"

"My old kingdom's name." Selvio said.

"Interesting, can you tell us about this sword?" She asked.

"May I ask a few questions first?" He said.

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