"Oh, yeah. Me, Chloé, Sabrina, Adrien, Ryder, and Nino are all getting together to hang out." Amber smiles, "They'll all probably want something. Let me just check with them real quick." she takes out her phone but spots Penny looking stressed. She walks over to her, Marinette attempting to stop her.

"Hey, you can't-"

"Let her go, Marinette." Sabine advises, "Amber can stay."

Marinette grumbles, crossing her arms.

Penny holds Fang on a leash, the crocodile snapping his jaws, "Calm down, Fang." she then fiddles with her pen.

"Are you okay, Penny?" Amber asks her as she walks over.

"Yes, yes, it's just, this show was my idea, and Jagged's putting all his trust in me and I just hope everything goes well today." Penny bites on her pen slightly.

"So Jagged, how does it feel to fill the baker's shoes today?" Alec asks.

"It's awesome! Check out this edible guitar I made from scratch. This is so rock 'n' roll!" Jagged plays his bread guitar and sings, "Flour, eggs and butter!"

This makes Penny chuckle in amusement.

"So, Miss Penny, what's it like working with a star like Jagged?" Sabine asks, "He seems so cool!"

"Oh yes, he's wonderful..." Penny smiles before snapping out of it, "Uh, I mean...yeah, he's, uh, awesome." she writes down on her notepad.


Ryder sighs as he watches the show, the boy looking bored as he watched Tom and Jagged Stone sing together.

"Flour, eggs and butter! And fire in the oven..."

"Are you sure we should be watching this? You look bored." Adrien voices as he sat down next to him.

"It wasn't my idea or plan to watch this." Ryder sighs again, "Chloé wanted to watch this."

Chloé sat down on the floor as Sabrina and Nino were with them, "Amber is heading to the bakery today. She's getting me croissants."

"But you knew that the show was happening..." Nino points out.

"Chloé loves drama." Sabrina smiles.

"This is the baker's rock 'n' roll!"

Jagged spots Amber off screen and smiles, "Yo, Amber! My favorite little lady! Come over and rock out with us!" Jagged gestures for the brunette to come over.

Sabine claps and gestures for her to go out, "Go on!"

Amber smiles as she walks out, waving at the camera.

"Aww...look at her!" Adrien coos at her.

"You are such a simp, you know that?" Ryder smiles.


Marinette simply glares at the brunette, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

Amber smiles.

"It's so cool that we get to spend the day together. Amber is really talented, Alec. She did the artwork for my latest album, and she's only in high school!" Jagged told the host.

Miraculous 2: Holder in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now