Chapter 19

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The doctor said it was normal and after having her spend the night, he sent her home and said no working if she's going to have to think a lot. She has to take it easy.

I'm talking to Megan's boss now.

"I don't know. I mean...yes. I can. There is, and belive it or not, it's with her."

"Great. Could I help her? That way she can still work? I just would tell her where to put everything? You could count me as a volunteer until she gets better?"

He rubs his stubble, thinking.

"Did the doctor okay for her to work?"
"Technically, no. I'll call him."

He nods.

I dial Megan's doctor and tell him my idea. He agrees.

"He said yes."

"Okay." he says. "Consider yourself hired."

"Thank you so much." I shake his hand.

He leaves. Everyone else got a hotel. I walk over to Megan on the couch and sit down, brushing her hair out of her eyes. She looks at me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like you should take me out." she says.

"Not gonna happen baby."

"But it's been a week!" she moans.

"I know." I run my fingers through her hair.

She sighs quietly and sits up, patting the spot in front of her.

I sit down.

She messes with my hands a bit, and then my knee, and then my shirt.

"Tell me." I say.

"Well, I mean, we're alone." she says.


"And I's been a while."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Like...over a year."

I sigh. "No." I say.

"Please?" she whines.


"But you've got to give me something! Come on Ty! I know you need it too! There's no way you don't need it! We haven't done anything in like...two years!"

"Megan, no."

"But Ty, you need it! Unless you're getting it from somewhere else, and I know you're not!"

"Megan," I start. "You have a concussion. No. That's the answer. I can relieve myself."
"But you know and I know that it feels better to relieve yourself after I prep it, or you prep it for me!"

"Megan, baby, please." I beg.

"Just get me horny and wet, dammit!" she snaps. She's standing up now, her arms crossed.

I shut my eyes.

"Sweetheart." I sigh. "I don't want you to get worse."

"But I won't." she says.

"No." I say. "No. I'm not doing it."

"Fine." she says. "I need you to go upstairs and get me a book. It's brown and it's thick."

"Where is it?" I ask.

"In the bookshelf in my room."

"Okay. Sit down."

She does, and then she lays down.

I go upstairs and rummage around the bookshelf in Megan's room for the book.

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