𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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"Emiko? Emiko!"
My eyes slowly opened as I looked up, and noticed a certain pink haired girl above me, shaking me awake. Sakura. Wait, Sakura? Why was she so concerned?

Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I eye her and murmur, "Sakura?" She groaned and facepalmed before murmuring, "Idiot. We have an exam! Now!"

Still sleepy, I was forced to listen to the whole explanation. Along with that, I noticed Sasuke side-eyeing me hardcore and looking at me like I was a menace to society. What was his problem? Plus, Naruto was creating a huge racket.

Apparently, Kakashi Sensei was late, and I had fallen asleep for an entire night on the grass, which was why Sakura was shaking me awake at the crack of dawn. Geez...I was in no shape to be giving some exam.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I had to-" Kakashi Sensei spoke, until he was interrupted by a loud and booming voice that really jolted me awake. "I don't care! Let's start fighting and training, now!!" Naruto screeched.

"How are you so energetic?" I ask, tiredly and seriously. "It's 5 in the morning, Naruto. Get a grip." No one except Naruto replied to that, so it seemed that everyone was in agreement with me. Except him, everyone was clearly exhausted.

"Alright, the assignment today is quite simple. Your exam is to steal these two bells from me. If you succeed, you pass." After a brief moment of silence, Sakura responded. "Wait, Sensei. There are only two bells and four of us..." Sakura's words trailed off as she realised what was going on.

Only two of us could pass.

I had to pass. It had to be me. Yes, the others must've had some intense desires and dreams, but I wanted to become a ninja as quick as possible, to investigate my parents' disappearance. I absolutely had to, or I'd regret my entire life, full of training and discipline to make myself get serious, though I still wanted to sleep forever. Both my dreams were equally important, though I would reach eternal
sleep one day.


"Kakashi Sensei! Please, let me eat!" Naruto pleads, while tied up. Unfortunately, I was as unlucky as him. During our test, I had accidentally fallen into some mud while trying to sneak up behind our Sensei.

When he left, I sighed and watched as Sakura and Sasuke ate their food. Naruto and I shared a sorry look, as our faces practically begged for food.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sasuke handed Naruto some of his food. "What are you doing, Sasuke?" Sakura warned. "We're going to get into trouble, this isn't allowed." Sasuke replied, "So? It's not like we passed. Let's just get these two idiots out and give them some food." That was really unexpected...but before Naruto ate it, Sakura shoved hers into his mouth.

A look of slight envy flashed on my face, as I wanted to eat too, except I felt a bunch of food get stuffed inside my mouth too. I looked to my right to see a glaring Sasuke, grumpily standing there with his food.


"You all pass."
Everyone, including Naruto and I who were finally untied, turned around and noticed a smiling Kakashi Sensei. He chuckled and said, "All of you showed great teamwork. A real Shinobi never leaves their companion imprisoned- they always save them."

Naruto beamed and started celebrating, since he was basically a full-fledged Genin. Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief and Sakura smiled, while I wiped my sweat and let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I felt glad inside. Maybe I could become a proper ninja one day. Proper enough to find my parents if they were alive.

"Let's all go out together!" Naruto exclaimed. However, poor Naruto was met with a punch to the face by Sakura's hand. "No! I'm never going out with you! I'm going with Sasuke." She responded, as she smiled shyly at him. I just facepalmed and Sasuke groaned. He murmured, "I am not going out with anyone." He was met with disappointed expressions.

"Sorry guys, I'm really tired." I mumbled, yawning. I wasn't exactly a very hyper and active person like Naruto, or a vicious fighter like Sakura. I was someone who wanted to dedicate their life to their goal, not punch poor Naruto over some silly thing. Though, I would never say that to Sakura's face. As the only girls, we had to support each other.

Sasuke had already left. He was genuinely such a mystery...and really, really emo. It was public knowledge in Konoha, regarding what happened to his clan, so everyone knew he had trauma, but wasn't this a little too much? He could at least be a bit more polite with the teammates he'd be working with.


While walking home that night, excited to finally rest and relax, I felt someone following me. By that, I meant I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around and took a defensive position, when I suddenly saw Sasuke Uchiha.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. What did this emo dude want with me in the middle of the night? "I want to tell you something. You're an Akisa, right? Emiko Akisa, at that." He replied, coldly.

My stomach did a front flip as I nodded. I felt a rush of anxiety course through my veins. This felt super unsettling, because I had no idea what he was about to say.

"You have a monster sealed inside of you."

𝓐𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓪𝔁𝓲𝓪. [𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓧 𝓞𝓒] • ON A TEMPORARY HIATUS!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ