Big Cars, Small Cars

Start from the beginning

Sun frowned, then jumped slightly when a roar could be heard. He snapped his head towards the sound, rays twitching at the noise, and watched with wide eyes as Max let out a cry of joy as they pressed the handle to the maximum—the tires drifted on the sand and snow before the bike jerked forward with a surprising amount of speed. They laughed like a crazy, old man—cackling loudly as they sped up away, their voice being carried by the chilling wind. He could see Ellen shake his head like a disappointed father.

"Would you like to try?" You ask next, leaning down to look at their face. "You don't have to, but it is pretty fun."

Sun's frown deepened. No, he didn't think he wanted to. Well, a part of him wished to try the new thing, but another still screamed that they didn't deserve it—didn't deserve this "fun" as Max made it seem to be.

But they weren't a coward, were they? Everyone was having fun, why did they feel like it wouldn't be? It would, it has to...

"But... we don't know how to ride," they spoke. "We don't think we could..." They were ready to retreat, to excuse themselves, and just wait in the car. You wouldn't force them into anything, they knew that, but they feared you would be disappointed in them. Would think they're a coward, a frightened chicken, one who wasn't brave enough to try new things.

They didn't want to disappoint you, nor disappoint anyone. They wanted to be brave, to face their fears, to stand up firmly, and not break eye contact.

But they knew otherwise, they knew their fears controlled them, they knew they weren't brave. Bravery had been stolen from them a long time ago, and when they showed it? It always had consequences...

They didn't want to be punished, didn't want to be bad, and have consequences for their actions. They weren't bad, swear and cross their fragile heart, they weren't!

"You can ride with me." Your soft tone made Sun almost flinch, a thing he felt severely embarrassed by. He ducked his head, unable to meet your eyes. He knew what he would find: the tender look you always faced them with, but he was too ashamed to meet it.


Coward coward coward coward coward coward

"Okay," Sun breathed, forcing his eyes to meet yours. "Okay." His rays twitched as he heard the same roar, watching both Ellen and Amelia shift on their seats before speeding down the sandy and snowy road, leaving behind sand and snow flying everywhere. The roar of the engine faded away as they sped up and off of sight.

"Alright," you take their hand to stabilize them as you take their crutch away, placing it inside the car before closing the door. Sun stumbles slightly, holding into you to stay upright. "Wanna try walking a little or do you want me to pick you up?" You gently ask, crouching to be at their eye level. You let them stabilize themselves using your arms as handles.

Sun debated. On one hand, the walk to the bikes is short but the ground isn't even. On the other one, he didn't want to keep annoying you with picking them up all the time, even when you seemed to like doing it, for whatever delusional reason. Not to mention, they hadn't had much practice today because of Moon's... breakdown, so Sun thought a little walk wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Walk, please?" He looked at you then at the bikes. A small distance, shouldn't be hard.

"Alright, dear, hold on to me," you started to take slow steps backward, tugging Sun towards you. The blond stumbles in his few first steps, but gets back into sync soon enough, concentrating hard to try and not fall face-first into the ground—their hold on you is tight, and they knew you would catch them, but they didn't trust their legs much to be sure of that. Sun truly didn't want to eat sand.

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