Learn and Unlearn

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The drawing for last chapter :)


If Sun were to be honest, he'd say getting used to the tablet given to him wasn't as stressful as he imagined.

You had changed the settings so whatever Sun selects will be read out loud, much to his appreciation. It helped a ton with his learning process to have things read out for him instead of pressing random buttons.

The tablet came with a pen, making writing on the screen ten times easier. It was mostly for the lectures he had to attend more than anything else.

The "homeschooling", as you called it, was something utterly new to Sun and Moon. Though, much to their shock, most apps and lectures had the option for their rare species! They wouldn't confuse any of their "teachers" with their double personality! It was a huge step and Sun was so glad to find that the option was there, it filled him with hope he didn't know he needed.

The lectures would start slow and easy, mostly about learning letters and numbers. Sun felt like he was so behind on everything the more he learned, which almost made the hope he had die down, but he didn't relent! This was a big step they never thought they would have, so they must be grateful!

(Oh! Not to mention, Sun was able to download the same game he played on your phone too! It wasn't as fun playing it on his own though.)

One of the first things he had discovered on the tablet when handed to him was the camera. It was while he explored the device that he stumbled upon the app.

To be fair, Sun and Moon didn't like pictures of themselves. The reason was unknown to them, but the discomfort was clear. They exited the app as soon as they entered it. Nope. No pictures.

The lectures were going quite well. You had gotten a few books to accompany their learning process and notebooks too. They are filled with the alphabet now.

Slow start. They can do that easily!

They were given something they wished for: knowledge, and neither will slack on it.

How come they are so lucky?

Sun couldn't tell.


With learning new things, came unlearning others.

It takes time to unlearn and understand some things to overcome certain habits. That is something you had said.

Sun knew this, deep down in their heart, they understood this. It was no different for them to try to learn new things, it had been going wonderful so far, even! But unlearn them? How does one do that? Trauma lingers like a spiderweb at the back of their mind, coated in dust but its memories are still alive. It was hard.

So, to fix this, Sun tries to ignore it. Unlike Moon, who buries the whole thing like it never existed, Sun acknowledges its presence but does nothing about it. Neither to heal or trigger it. He can keep the peace.

Arts and crafts became something they cherished, like a divine sent to them to play their mind off of other thoughts. The jar you had gifted was half full of tiny paper stars Sun and Moon learned to make. Unknown to you, every star there was a good memory you had created. There were many, even if you don't realize that. The activity itself is a star all on its own. They had made the crafts a way to distract them.

But the thoughts are still there, seen at the edges of their vision. It wouldn't leave.

Even with your help, your wonderful, tender touches and words, they still felt a lingering fear just awaiting to strike. It clawed at their edges and whispered words in their head. They didn't know what to do. The fear just needed a trigger to strike.

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