New Dawn

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"Moon, dear, precious," You call, looking at the seat beside yours. "Are you sure about this?"

Moon, in all his sleepy glory, nodded. "Yes." Their red eyes trailed to look at you, hesitant for a second. "Aren't you...?"

You hum, focusing back on the road. "I am, I just didn't want you making rash decisions."

"We're sure." He nods again, voice the softest you've heard.

Today's the day they agreed on taking a prosthetic. Or, well, yesterday they agreed to, after Sun's meltdown. You were hesitant. Their decision seemed rushed, out of the blue, and you wouldn't want them taking action without thought. But alas, Sun was more than excited and nervous the next morning, swaying gently as he said that, yes, they still wanted it. And yes, they are sure.

And that's where you are now, heading towards the hospital.

Moon had been hesitant, you had noticed, but still stubborn to admit it. He still agrees with Sun, even if he is nervous about the prospect of a new chance. He had always been nervous when it came to such things— new things. New prospects. Change. A new chance. Anything new and unfamiliar, to be short. You can't blame him. If you were in his place you would feel as cautious. Their life wasn't the best.

The hospital comes into view and you park in the only spot available after a search, having to do a double look at the small parking lot.

"Come on," You urge gently, unlocking your door. Moon hesitates before opening his, using his crutch to walk out. The sun shone brightly in the skies, it being around four in the afternoon. The clouds were thick, singling either snow or rain. You inhale slowly the fresh air, exhaling gently. Your eyes land on Moon who stands beside you, looking warily at the hospital. You frown, landing a hand over their shoulders, and earning a flinch from them. Those crimson eyes look at you, pupils dilating. "We can go back if you want, just say the word."

Moon slowly nods, fixing his sunglasses with a hand and looking away. Fear ate at him, and you knew, but the small alien was too stubborn to relent. He had made up his mind. He wants to face his fears.

Taking his hand in yours, you walk inside the double-slide doors of the big hospital, hope and anxiety eating at the poor being holding your hand.

You wish them the best.


DJ was the one to meet, as he was the head doctor in the prosthetic section. Him being a robot seemed ironic but clever too.

"Hello again!" DJ smiles, shaking Moon's hand, his grip firm but not uncomfortable. "I see you have made up your mind, that's a good choice."

"Hmm," Moon looks away, clinging to your side. "Thanks."

"Now, why the sad face, hmm?" DJ hums, crouching down. "I knew you could do it."

Moon inhales slowly but sharply, sparing a look at the Android before him.

DJ smiles kindly, cupping their hands together. "Yes, I knew. It wouldn't be long now before you could walk again, isn't that great?"

Moon's eyes dilate at the prospect, searching the face of the Android carefully. Always on guard. His shoulders hitch upward, covering his neck— self-conscious.

"Just moments before you can run and jump and climb— fun, right?" DJ continues, his smile never faltering. "The making of the leg will only take two weeks, then you can do all you please with it." Something flashes over the Androids face and he smiles sheepishly. "Er, a week and a half to make the base, the skin we're still struggling with given your... unique body. But you'll still be able to do all you want in the end."

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