Stir and Rest

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They wonder about their family sometimes.

It wasn't that they remember if they had any or not, but the thought always comes to them. Vividly, they wonder if their family loved them. Were they still alive by any chance? Out there unknown to them if they were still alive or not. Perhaps they were dead, just like almost all their race.

They used to watch their owners' families— when they gather around to chat. Hugs and kisses and smiles, so many waves of laughter at these gatherings.

It stung, whenever Sun and Moon see it. A domestic life where everyone cares about one another— they miss each other so dearly. Why can't they have that? Why can't they have such a peaceful life, have someone that misses them and awaits their return with open arms? They all seem so relaxed, as if one of those people isn't a sadistic person sitting between them—

Tears picked at the side of their eyes and they looked down.

They wondered if they'd ever laugh as freely as those children do.

The tug in their chest always worsens when they see those gatherings, no matter which owner they had. Children would go around playing and laughing. Adults chatting and bonding with each other— so many lighthearted laughs that fill the air.

They seemed so happy.

It wasn't fair.


Darkness was a thing— sometimes not so comfortable as closing ones eyes. The skies had darkened, clouds parting ways, and the moon hovered against the black inky skies. It wasn't as comforting as it should have been.

Sun (or was it Moon?) stirred awake, groaning lightly. The ache in their body made itself pronounced the moment they regained a sense of self. It called and screeched over their head— they clicked their tongue, feeling a gross taste flicker over their tastebuds. Their eyelids were heavy as they shifted around, feeling themselves sink into the soft sheets, hugging it like their life depended on it. It smelled like something a little familiar— like vanilla, maybe. Red eyes opened briefly, unfocused, but also unable to sleep. The lights were turned off, though, the window is open, letting dull white light into the floor and just breaching the bed.

The sight felt unreal, like watching a poorly animated 3D movie. Their head began to spin when they tried to sit up, heavy and unbalanced. A red sweater was folded near the end of the bed, and they vividly remembered what happened before they passed out from hyperventilation.

Their red eyes glimmered in the dark, looking over their hands. Sometimes it's hard to know who's in control— at least, fully so. There are times were one of them would co-host, especially in situations where they want to get a little comfort from each other. Though, more times than not, both had a small problem with identifying their self. Bicolored hands came into their line of sight, and thanks to the low light, they can see just fine without harming their eyes. Blue and creamy white. It was Moon.

The sheets fell from their chest as they sat more upright, taking in the room they were in. It was a little like the other room, though, it certainly wasn't. The place seemed to spin for a moment, everything melting on each other like watercolors. Moon screwed their eyes shut, not liking how blurry it was everywhere—

This is why they didn't like oversleeping. It just made things worst and messed with their internal clock. Their stomach heaved at the harsh taste in their mouth, nausea twisting inside of them. The urge to keep laying down was strong— they were so tired, physically and mentally, and Sun's breakdown had drained them completely. A small sigh leaves them, exhausted beyond belief.

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