After Clouds

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The drawing above is for chapter 19.
Blood warning.


To say that Moon was like a cat was a funny, yet adorable thing.

Though, the fact that he wasn't a fan of water is... troubling. At the moment, at least.

You had already taken a shower after being in the rain, and even though you weren't exactly under it, droplets of water still stained stickily over your face, making your hair stick over your forehead— a very unpleasant feeling. And, to be honest, you can see how uncomfortable Moon was by that as well, having kept rubbing over his face the whole time you read to him.

Except, he couldn't change hosts to Sun to do the whole showering ordeal, so now he's stuck to doing it himself. Moon was not happy about that, for the lack of a better word. Not to mention the sudden closeness they are willing to stay this near to you. Red eyes would watch you whenever you get up to do something, and when you take too long, Moon would take it upon themselves to follow you. There is no hesitation to lean into your touch when you hold them either, as if they hadn't been trying to avoid that in the last few days.

You were by no means against the idea of them finding comfort in you. If anything, it delighted you that Moon was willing to put what little trust they could in you. But, unfortunately, the sudden change just made you linger your gaze, as if trying to get a read on their expressions. That, perhaps, you'd find a solution to their distress there.

You find nothing. So, you do what you can to find an alternative. Stay near. That is what seemed to matter most. Stay near and keep the lights on too. Which was baffling, if you were to say. Sun and Moon proved their dislike of light because of their sensitivity towards it, so Moon asking for it to be on was shocking. You couldn't help but watch as their gaze would linger over dark corners, or how they'd flinch from sudden noises. The confidence Moon was trying to build as his personality crumbled down like any building on shaky grounds, and the image was heartbreaking.

Then, Moon kept rubbing over his face in frustration at the sticking feeling. Perhaps their skin was the sensitive kind, which might explain their dislike of water— or humid places, to be exact.

You tilt your head and ask if they want to go upstairs if they wish for a shower, which Moon seems hesitant about but relents when their skin keeps itching.

Hosting Moon up, who had cocooned himself in the blanket, you make it upstairs and to the open bathroom. "Everything's within reach, so it should be easy on you not to strain your arms. I can help if you so wish, but I wouldn't interfere if you didn't." You say, carefully placing Moon on the floor, taking the blanket away when they shedded it from their shoulders. "The candles are also there under the sink, if you wanted to turn off the lights and use them."

Moon simply nodded, looking around. Indeed, everything was within reach. He hadn't noticed that until now.

Standing up, you make your way to the door when a sudden grip on your pant leg stops you. Turning back, you wait patiently for what the other wanted to say. It was obvious how they seemed to fight internally, face twisting into many expressions, mainly frustration. Moon opens his mouth, then, just as fast, closes it. A groan leaves them at last, frowning deeply.


"Can't you just... stay?" The words were barely audible, almost shameful, and as they left their lips, Moon was quick to add: "I don't need help. Just stay?" Their request bordered on a plead and you felt your expressions soften.

"Alright," You say, watching as Moon huffed and averted his gaze away. Stifling a chuckle at that, you sit on the small carpet with your back facing them. The blanket rests over your lap comfortably. There was a pause of silence before you heard shuffling and the other's nightcap was set beside you. You took it and wrapped the blanket over the thing. When the water started, an idea crossed your mind and you shifted to sit more comfortably, resting your head over your knees. "Dear," You call, a smile in your tone.

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