Doubts and Bears

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Hello, again!
Yes, I have a few things to say that I had forgotten.

-Sun and Moon don't change depending on the light in the room, I guess you guys had already figured that out, but for those who are confused, Sun and Moon take turns depending on the activity or outside trigger. They had been together since the day they opened their eyes so they are used to taking turns- that doesn't mean they don't fight sometimes.

-Sun has red eyes because of a little mishap in their brain where it believes they are in danger and need to focus (like being in survival mode of sorts). I'll go in-depth about it in later chapters.

And that's probably all, I keep forgetting about stuff but I'll tell ya all about it whenever I remember :)



You are somehow glad that the doctor turned out to be an alien.

As soon as you had entered, his blue eyes were on you, soft and patient. In his hands was the paper the nurse had handled in the door. "Good evening." He spoke, voice deep and calm. "Please take a seat." You did as told, sitting on the chair in front of his office. Moon now sitting in your lap. This took his attention and concern was visible in the bear-like Doctor. "I would assume this is the patient? In here it said that you weren't their caretaker neither was an ID inserted." There was no judgment in his words, eyes soft taken in the form curled up in your arms.

You clear your throat. "No, I'm not."

Freddy, as his card read, hummed. "Please place them on the table over there." He stood up as he spoke, motioning for the examination table.

You stood up as well, hissing lightly at the tug on your shoulder, and walk to the soft cautioned table chair. Running a hand over the back of Moon's, you speak up. "Dear? Moon? I need you to sit down, okay?"

A groan came your way, as if the smaller creature had been asleep. You wouldn't be surprised if they were, Sun seemed so tired— but sleep in your hold? That made your chest warm.

After a little bit of prying hands from your shirt, you managed to place Moon on the table. He looked ever so displeased, especially with the light shining on him like that.

"What seems to be the problem?" Asked Freddy, fixing the glasses on his face.

Your lips twitch and you slowly remove the coat from over Moon, watching as he crunched his face in a frown.

To say Freddy looked shocked would be an understatement. Perhaps he saw the heavy collar on their neck, or maybe the blood on their clothes or the bruises littering their body. Though, based on his soft blue eyes trailing and stopping at their leg, you believe he found the main reason for your visit.

He cleared his throat, turning to you. "How about we speak a little, I'll call a nurse to give them a cleaner set of clothes."

You spare a glance at Moon and lean closer to make sure they're hearing you. "I'll be right back, okay? Someone will get you cleaner clothes, so don't worry. I'll be right back." You aren't sure what you see on their face when you said that, but it felt like a sort of hopelessness and disappointment. Odd.

Freddy leads you out and calls a nurse, telling them to go check the size and get Moon a gown to change into instead of the wet clothes they're trembling in. He even offers you some, but you deny him.

Folding your coat in your arm, you look back at the brown bear, watching him reread the papers given to him. "I can recognize the collar anywhere. But if they aren't yours...?"

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