Kitten Out the Window

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Picture for chapter two :D
Sun has changed so much since then.


Today you had to attend your workplace. If Sun were to understand how that works, it was like checking to see if everything was going as it should.

You were the boss who didn't always show up. Sure, you attend online meetings with your team, but you don't often go to your workplace.

Today you had to, so Sun and Moon will be left alone for a few hours. This wasn't a problem, even if the big house with them alone was intimidating.

Sun had distracted himself with drawing and making crafts. Learning about origami was fun and it passed time, so that is what he mostly did in his free time.

Earlier it had begun to rain, a few hours after you had left. The smell of rain was endearing, a smell that made false memories of soothing hands flicker in their memory. They weren't sure, but the rain was calming and they enjoyed that.

It had been going well, distracting themselves. Little origami stars were made, filling their jar.

When that grew boring, Sun decided to draw instead. He had improved too!

It wasn't till they heard a tiny noise that Sun stopped in his coloring, freezing in place. They listened carefully, their rays wiggling gently as they focused. They sat frozen for a moment, debating if the noise was just the rain outside—

Then, the noise repeated. It was small and weak, barely heard at all, but Sun heard it all the same.

"Moon?" Sun called into their headspace, clutching the crayon tightly.

"Hm?" Came the faint answer of his counterpart.

"Did you hear that?" Sun asked, looking out the window outside. It was dark with how thick the clouds were, rain pounding over the ground as lightening buzzed in the sky. Gloomy and foggy.

"... Yes."

Standing up with the help of their crutch, Sun limps towards the window, slowly and carefully looking outside. With their eyes, they are able to see better than a Human, scanning the front yard in a hurry.

Sun felt shaky. What if their owner is back? His device had been thrown into the river, but who knows if he had gotten another one and had tracked them to here? Maybe he's trying to get in, circling the place like a shark to try and find an opening. You had said the place is safe— there are bars over the windows and cameras all over the place, but the anxiety didn't understand this, and Sun felt panic rise in his blood.

They didn't want to go back! He's going to be so angry with them— he'll hurt them! Sun did not want to go back. Not now, not ever!

Their shoulders shook in panic, anxiety building up just behind their hammering heart. "What if he's here?!" He asked in fear, scanning the area once and twice.

"He can't enter." Moon replies, and even with his leveled tone, Sun can still feel the panic radiating from his counterpart regardless of what mask he decides to hide behind. They were both scared, and their fear was gathering in waves in their head. It was in chaos, thoughts smacking against each other, loud and buzzing. Neither liked how hard it became to think—

The noise sounded again, this time much louder, and Sun gave a pause.

This wasn't a Human.

Gathering his courage after it was crushed was hard, but Sun does so regardless, opening the window to get a better look and a much smoother hearing range. They waited patiently for the noise to happen again, standing on their nerves as the rain sounded outside.

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