Swinging Our Worries Away

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The talk with Freddy and Shannon went well, and a schedule for the surgery was put on as soon as possible.

However, due to Sun and Moon's health, Freddy had recommended arriving a day or two before the assigned day to better examine them and to let the IV do its work of supplements, especially since they might lose blood during the amputation. A completely normal thing, Freddy had assured, but it was better to make sure they were in best health beforehand.

You'd have to agree on that. With Sun and Moon's disability to walk properly, it would have surely lowered their physical strength due to minimum movements. And with their concerning lightweight, you wouldn't be surprised if losing even a little bit of blood might harm them, and you can't have that.

So, two days before the surgery it is. Which meant tomorrow.

Technically why you decided to visit the park today.

You knew staying at the hospital could never be a comfortable experience, even if the nurses and doctors were nice. Most hospitals have small gardens, sure, but you can't imagine them staying in there for the potential of a week without getting too restless.

Besides, going to the park might cheer them out, especially with how anxious Sun looked after you had told him the news this morning.

So here you were. It is supposed to be a small picnic, you'd say, to get some fresh air before they drown in the hospital's disinfectants. Choosing a park near the quiet part of the city, you park your car in an empty spot, which were many there.

Sun had been excited, if just a little timid, about "touching grass" as he had joked. Though, immediately realizing how that sounded, the blond tried to apologize for seeming "ungrateful". You only laughed, clenching your hand as a surge of, yet, more anger at how they must have been treated to freak out like this, and assured them it was totally fine. Because, honestly, it is touching grass.

They had started to kick their leg along the way, excited or anxious, you aren't sure. Though, you hope of the former. "Come on," You beckon when you open their door, opening your arms as Sun shuffles closer to you. "There are cats around here as well, did you know?" You ask, closing the door behind you.

Immediately, Sun perks up, looking around the dimly lit park. There were faint sounds of people talking, children playing, and a faint sound of water running— perhaps the little bird fountain. These somewhat closed-in parks always have cats in them, sometimes even dogs and other little animals, but cats were the most social when it comes to looking for food.

A smile crosses your face as you sit Sun over a swing, much to his confusion, and straighten to your full height. "I'll get the basket," You say before heading over to your car, which wasn't far in the mostly empty parking lot.

Sun watches you go a second before averting his gaze to his legs. The swing was quite low, so both of his feet touched the thin grass, which was matted down due to all the feet stepping on it in this area. Jerking his left foot a bit, the swing makes a small noise, metal clicking against metal as it moves slightly to the back. It was too low, however, and Sun didn't dare try to push further. His right leg would catch up and will make him stumble down, which Sun didn't want happening. The grass seemed like it would absorb his fall, but he still didn't dare try.

Looking around, the blond decided to, instead, look to see if he could find any cats around. He was sure he saw movements in that bush over there, but chose not to disturb whatever animal had taken shelter in it.

Focusing back up, Sun watched as you put the basket he helped pack on the grassy ground, setting down a mat, then stood to walk towards him. The double swing wasn't far from the place you had chosen, just a little ways away, and Sun watched as you sat on the empty swing beside his. Opting on rocking slightly back and forth on your heels (the swing a little too low), you hand over a juice box to Sun as you open yours.

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