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MARCH 6,2024

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    "Stop hitting me dummy!" I exclaimed, smacking one of Leah's cousins as we all cramped ourselves in the car.

   "You stop hitting me!" he exclaimed pushing me harshly.

    "Don't make me come back there!" yelled Carol, Leah's grandma who was sitting in the passenger seat.

   Leah laughed as I pouted turning to her and flipping her off. She gasped dramatically, looking in the direction on her mom who was in the driver's seat. "Mama you know what Lonnie just did,"

   "I just told her I loved her and she flipped me off Lee," I interrupted before Leah could rat me out.

   Leah's mom rolled her eyes ignoring us both before starting the car. My dad had agreed to me going to meet up with Walker, but then everyone wanted to come with Leah and I as well since we were going to a park, so we had split into two cars with Floyd II, Floyd III, and all of Leah's uncles with my dad in his car, and Leah, me, her Grandma, and her cousins in Leah's mom's car.

   I opened my phone since everyone had quieted down to see a text from Walker saying he and his Dad were already at the park. The park was only a few minutes away from Leah's house so I let him know we were almost there.

   Surely in a few minutes, we had arrived with my dad's car trailing behind us.

   "Alright everybody out my car, you all stink." said Leah's mom looking pointedly at one of the boys. I chuckled before hopping out the car after Leah had opened the door. I smoothed down my blue jersey jacket that I had changed into. Not because I wanted to impress Walker, but because I just wanted to look nice.

   I squinted my eyes at the harsh sunlight starting to look for blond curly hair. "Do you see him?" asked Leah looking around as well.

   I shook my head, before feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. I picked it up answering the call from Walker. "I can see you guys" he said, his voice breaking as the connection was bad.

   "Where are you?" I asked hoping my voice wasn't breaking as bad as his was on his end.

   "Lonnie! Leah!"

   We turned around to see Walker jogging towards us with his phone in hand. I ended the call as he got closer to avoid feedback from the phone.

   "Why are you so sweaty?" asked Leah distastefully, as he finally made it to us.

   "I'm so happy I sacrificed my afternoon to hang out with you guys, you're so nice," he responded sarcastically rolling his eyes.

   "No seriously Walker you look like a pig about to be baked." I said referencing his flushed pink skin.

   He rolled his eyes, before muttering something unintelligible. Leah and I looked at each other with an eyebrow raised. "What'd you say," she asked him.

   "I thought I saw Lana Del Rey." he muttered louder.

   "No way," I said excitedly, "You saw Lana Del Rey?"

   "He said he thought he saw Lana Del Rey." laughed Leah, "Walker what'd you do" she asked

   He sighed in exasperation already knowing we were about to make fun of him for whatever explanation he was about to give, "I started running after her to get an autograph cause she was walking like super fast, but when she noticed me she started running faster, and when I finally caught up to her she almost maced me."

   Leah and I were holding each other up at this point unable to stand through our laughs, "You chased a random lady down" Leah giggled out through her laughs.

"Oh my god," I said wiping away tears, "She probably thought you were going to kidnap her."

Leah and I bursted out laughing even more at that thought, "Why didn't she end up macing you."

"She recognized me, thank God."

Leah and I were still having a hard time recovering from laughter, "I'm so glad you guys found that so funny." he said dead-pannedly looking at us.

"You know how weird he runs too, that lady was probably so scared." laughed out Leah, making me fall over as I too was wracked with laughter.

I looked at Walker's unamused face, and started it suppress my laughter for his sake, "Why'd you even chase her down. " I asked. "You don't listen to Lana like that."

If possible his face got even redder, "I wanted to get it for you." he muttered out.

"Oh that was sweet Walker," said Leah her laughter starting to die down.

"Yea, I'd hug you right now if you didn't look like you were pulled out an oven." I said, sending a small smile his way.

A mischievous smile made its way onto his face. And without warning he pulled Leah and I into a group hug making us both yell in protest. "Get off, Get off!" we both shouted pushing him away, as his arms around us only got tighter as he rubbed his sweaty hair on our face.

We finally pushed him off groaning equally in disgust, as he laughed loudly. "Ok I'm sorry," he said with his hands up as Leah and I glared at him still wiping sweat off our faces.

"I'm going to kill you," said Leah bring her hand to slap him before stopping before she hit his face.

He rolled his eyes at her empty threat, "I'll get you guys ice cream, there's a truck right there," he said pointing to a colorful ice cream truck behind us where Leah's cousins had already clamored getting their parents to pay for different flavors.

"You, Rocky road I know," he said pointing to me before turning to Leah, "What'd you want?"

a/n: the end is kinda a way to show walker's crush on london more cause yknow he knows a lot abt her cause he pays a lot of attention to her too but that's not to say him and leah aren't very good friends as well since yknow they all spent the same amount of time together. anyway wp still isn't letting me upload my lil mood board so i had to describe the outfit i've already made a board for it. i just need this app to lemme upload it. anyway imma go take a nap now bye bye

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