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FEBRUARY 19, 2024

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   "Ok, everyone turn to the side, big smiles on faces please." A camera flash went off as all four of us did what we were told.

    The four of us were doing a photoshoot with Robby Keene. Something that Disney had scheduled for a couple months now. Usually I would be teeming with excitement at the opportunity to hang out with my friends. But today there was a problem.

   I hadn't texted him.

   To be fair, he hadn't tried to reach me either, it had only been a day, since we had that disastrous conversation, and it has left an awkward tenseness in the air between both of us that I was sure everyone could feel.

   "Ok, can we get one with just Aryan and Leah."

   Walker and I nodded, heading offscreen to sit down on the chairs that had our names on them. We made eye contact for a second, before I looked away picking up my phone and opening the weather app to make it look like I was doing something.

   When Robby was done taking pictures of Aryan and Leah, he wanted pictures of Leah and I next, which thankfully that made the knot in my stomach dissipate as I wasn't next to Walker anymore.

   "I want to do a shot with you guys' hair in the air," commented Robby, redirecting where his camera was pointing, "I think that would be a beautiful shot, would you guys be cool with that."

   "Yea, that'd be fine." I said, answering for the both of us.

   Two of the his assistants came up behind us gently grabbing onto our braided ponytails, "Ok, now!" yelled Robby, the assistants swung our hair, and practically flew out of the shot, as the camera's flash went off.

   "Okay, beautiful." mumbled Robby, "Let's do a couple more like that, then we'll switch Leah with Walker." I could see Walker's head perk up at the sound of his name, though it was obvious he hadn't heard what Robby has said since he was playing a video game on his phone with Aryan.

   Leah and I took a couple more shots, before Robby switched her with Walker. I could feel the knot in my stomach returning, as he made his way to where I was standing. I avoided looking directly at him, and he did the same to save ourselves from any further awkwardness, something that Robby took notice off and complained about.

   "C'mon guys, can you at least look at each other." he groaned, after another awkward picture of Walker and I just standing there staring at the camera.

   I turned to him, so we wouldn't waste any more of Robby's time and put what I hoped looked like a real smile on my face, at my actions he turned and did the same.

"That's so much better, you guys," cheered Robby, as the flash went off. He took a couple more, before he announced that all we had to do was take some more solo shots, then we'd be outta here.

   He called Aryan to take his photos first, as Leah sat around with Walker and I obviously noting the tension in the air. She sat in the middle of us conversing quietly with both of us, but I could silently see her wondering why we weren't talking to each other.

   After Aryan was done with his photos Walker went up next to take his, leaving the three of us alone, "What the hell is wrong with you guys." asked Aryan immediately after Walker was out of earshot.

   "What are you talking about," I murmured, trying to play dumb.

   "You guys are acting like you just met," added Leah.

   "No we're not," I persisted, hoping they would let it go. "I think we're just tired maybe."

   "Are you guys fighting or something," murmured Aryan, running his hands through his hair.

Before I could answer, Leah swiftly interrupted me, "There's no way Walker would be mad at her, she's probably mad at him."

"What the hell does that mean" I asked, confused.

Before she could answer, we all saw Walker making his way back to our seats, and the conversation was shut down immediately.

"London come up here please." yelled Robby looking down at his camera.

I got up and made my way infront of the camera, starting to pose in the way Robby was asking me to. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Aryan and Leah grilling Walker the way they were to me a few minute ago, and I could only hope he was putting up the facade that everything was fine to them the way I did.

Soon, I was done taking my solo shots, and went to sit back down, as Leah went up to take hers.

I expected Aryan to start bothering us, since we were sat together, but he just shook his head and looked down at his phone. After Leah took her pictures, we all sat around as the camera crew packed up and we waited for our parents to pick us up.

Aryan was the first to leave, since he had a date with his girlfriend right after this. We all hugged him goodbye, and I teased him a bit about how he'd better be cautious of pda.

Next to leave was Leah whose brother picked her up. I walked her outside as to not be left alone with Walker, and I almost begged her brother to take me with them, but I couldn't because I had a business meeting with Dior in a few hours to secure a brand deal.

I waited outside hoping my dad would show up, before Walker realized I was staying outside to avoid him.

That didn't work.

I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around to see the blonde standing behind me. I heard him exhale loudly before speaking, "You didn't text me." he started, not giving any emotions away. I completely turned around so we would be standing directly infront of each other.

"The phone works both ways Walker." I said defensively.

"You promised you would though," the gentle way he stated it, made guilt rise in my chest.

"I'm sorry."

He looked surprised at how fast he had gotten me to apologize. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you the way I did, and I'm sorry for not texting you when I said I would." I rushed out. The reason I didn't text him was because I hated confrontation, and the fact that now I had to do it either way made me uncomfortable.

   "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have continued pushing when you clearly wanted to stop talking." He spoke getting closer to me, "Just know that you can still come to me with stuff like this, and when you say you want to stop talking I'll let you."

I nodded in response, a relieved smile on my face at his words. I wrapped my hands around his waist pulling him a hug, an action he immediately returned.

I heard a loud honk from behind us that separated us. I squinted my eyes to see my dad's usual mercedes behind us, with a look on his face I hadn't seen before.

a/n: the way yall aren't seeing this chapter till tuesday, and i have it done on sunday is actually making me proud of myself.

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