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CHAPTER SEVEN ——————————-{LONDON)February 11, 2024

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CHAPTER SEVEN ——————————-
February 11, 2024

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"Knock Knock, Guess who's here,"

Dior, Leah, Walker, and Charlie all walked into my bedroom.

I shrieked at the sight of all four of them in my room way earlier than I'd expected them to be.

Today was super bowl Sunday, and while my dad and would usually go the Super Bowl in person, because my dad was a huge fan of the Chiefs, he opted to stay at home this year so I could be with my friends.

Dior sat down at the edge of my bed "Dude, I don't care how many times I've been here, I still get lost."

Leah walked over to what at first glance seemed to be a tile wall, and she pushed on it to reveal my revolving closet that my dad built for me when I was younger, because I had a criminal obsession with Hannah Montana at the time.

   "This is my personal heaven," gasped Leah, dramatically.

Charlie leaned down to give me tight squeeze, and i immediately reciprocated, since we hadn't seen each other since the Percy Jackson premiere.

"I've missed you so much Charlie"

"Me too Loni"

I pulled back from him, and looked up at Walker who was standing over my bed like a creep.

"You didn't miss me?"

"I've missed you about as much as I would like a fork in my eye."

He leaned down with a grin on his face, and wrapped his arms around me. Dior and Charlie were giving each other knowing looks when we pulled apart. Weirdos.

"You guys wanna go to the pool, there's nothing to do in my room"

"Yea sure," agreed Walker absentmindedly as he made himself comfortable in my room.

"Leah get out of there, we're going downstairs," I yelled out as my I made my way off my mountain of a bed, with Walker following right behind me.

We made our way downstairs where I saw my friends parents downstairs talking to my dad.

I walked over to Leah's mom and hugged her as tight as I could from behind. She immediately turned around hugging me twice as hard. When we finally separated I waved at Walker, Charlie, and Dior's mom, before following after my friends who had already gone outside to loiter around my pool without me.

   Dior had her phone out, and was filming everything for a vlog she was going to upload later. I climbed up the synthetic rock that was looking over my pool and plopped myself down next to Leah.

   "Lonni is the hot tub hot right now?"

   I looked up at Charlie, scrunching my face up at the stupid question he just asked me. "It's February, why would it be hot,"

   "I don't know, rich people are weird." He sat down next to me using his head to nudge mine. I pushed his head away smoothening down my hair, to make sure he hadn't messed up my ponytail.

   I saw our parents come out to where we were, and head over to a table filled with drinks that one of the staff had set up earlier.

   "Yea, cause your family is really strapped for cash Charlie," I retorted, bring my attention back to him.

   Dior was filming  Walker doing a Napoleon style pose over-looking the pool. He smiled when he noticed I was looking at him.

   "You wanna jump in the pool with me London,"

   I heard Leah murmuring about how random Walker could be at times which in all fairness, he totally was.

   I got up from where I was sat, and looked at him through squinted eyes. "I'll only do it if you do it."

I grabbed his hand, as we stood overlooking the pool.

   "Mae no, you'll catch a cold stop it!" yelled my dad sternly, wagging his hand back and forth at me. Walker's mom however simply took a drink out the glass she was holding, I'd figured she'd gotten used to Walker's antics by now so she wasn't really bothered.

   "3, 2,...."

   I let go of his hand and jumped straight into the pool, expecting him behind me. I felt the cold water pull me in almost like an old friend, and I almost felt tempted to just stay there and let nature run its course.


   I pushed through the surface of the water and looked up to see Walker looking down at me, the asshole hadn't jumped.

   "Walker, I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled, swimming to the edge of the pool to lift myself out.

   I made my way back up to the rock, as Walker started giggling and running away from me giggling.

   Everyone was laughing at our antics, including my dad which was surprising since he had just been acting like a stick was shoved up his ass a few minutes ago.

   "Wait London stop, I don't have a change of clothes," he yelled as he ran around the backyard, as I chased after him ready to give him the wettest hug ever.

   I finally caught to him giving him a hug from the back, and I when I pulled away there was a wet imprint of my shirt on his back. He turned around, with his signature grin on his face, and wrapped his arms around me, swaying side to side.

   I pulled away from him after realizing that there were still people around us namely my father that were watching, and I went back inside the house to change my clothes.

   By the time I came back outside, Walker had changed from the black shirt he had previously been wearing to a grey hoodie, that I assumed his mom brought for him.

   Leah was talking about how she wanted to get way more driving practice in, before her permit test in September, and my dad agreed to let us all use the family golf cart.

   We all hopped in with all the girls in the front with Leah in the driver's seat, and the two losers we had to bring along in the back.

   We were all hanging out, and just casually talking with Dior and Charlie recording us, until for some reason Walker decided to get out the cart and tried to outrun it which obviously failed miserably.

   Leah had enough of driving so she took us back to my house, where we made it just it time to catch the halftime show, which is what most of us really cared about in the first place.

   Leah and I's mouth was open the moment Alicia Keys came on stage and Usher seemingly forgot about personal space.

   "Aren't they both married," asked Dior, her mouth open the entire performance.

   After the show finished Leah, Dior, and I went back up to my room to hang out, with Charlie and  Walker joining us later after the game was over.

   We all went back downstairs to finally eat some food, before it was time for them to leave. We all said our goodbyes and had one huge group hug, where I held onto Leah and  Walker particularly tight, wishing Aryan was here to complete our core four.

   My dad and I waved them all off, and we signed off the night as another successful event.


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