Chapter 1

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"Dabe, are you sure you packed everything? Your Passport? Ticket? Phone charger? You can be very forgetful a times, check very well before you leave the house."

"I have everything, mom." I say sarcastically.

"Check again." I roll my eyes, thankful my annoying cousin can't see me through the phone as I roll down my suitcase to the car. Sally and I first cousins, "I gave the driver some clothes for you. So make sure you change that thing you're wearing before you leave the airport, I don't want my In-laws to think we don't look after our relatives."

"How do you even know what I'm wearing?"

"I know you don't have any sense of fashion.."
Sally grew up in the U.S. and I moved to the U.S. from Nigeria when I was 11. I've lived with Sally and her family for most of my life. Sally treats me like a child even though she's just a year older. I could remind her that at my big age of thirty, I'm capable of thinking for myself, but what will be the point? She's never going to treat me like an actual adult, "You wore purple and blue to my graduation party and almost gave me a heart attack. Never again... I'm in charge of your wardrobe throughout the duration of my wedding."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Anyway, what time do you head to the airport?"

"We are already set to leave."

"Good, good... Bon voyage. Text me when you land. Kisses, bye." She hangs up and I release the deepest of breaths as I get in the car.

The wedding hasn't even started yet and I'm already exhausted.

Halfway to the airport, Frank, the family driver starts a pep talk, "So our small Sally is getting married, I still can't believe it, just yesterday she was running around in her pampers. How time flies. I'm sure very soon, you too will get married and leave us. This life sha." He says and laughs.

I throw in a thin-line smile and say nothing, I just want the whole fiasco to be over, the main reason being everyone keeps giving me pity glances like I'm going to end up alone if I don't find a husband soon.

Fun fact: I don't want to get married.

And that's the worst thing you can say to a Nigerian family, might as well grab a pistol and start a massacre.

We arrive at the airport, Frank helps with the bags and check-in as I try to muster up the energy for a 12-hour flight, "Ms. Dabe Peters?"

"Yes, that's me." My flight better not be canceled.

"There's been a change in your flight details." Here we go.

"What kind of changes?"

"It's an upgrade, you've been moved to first class. This way please." I scoff in disbelief. I'm short of words to say anything, so I just follow the instructions, deluding myself like I have no idea who requested the upgrade. I just need to get my ass on the plane and get a drink to kick this whole trip off.

I settle down and take a deep breath, just in time, an attendant appears and pours me a glass of champagne, "For you, ma'am."

"Wonderful. Leave the bottle?"

She's momentarily aghast,

"Of course, ma'am." She quivers a smile and hands me the bottle before leaving me to myself. I lean back and take a sip of my champagne.

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